Sophie 2.0 Reader (#2) - books in browsers (#37) - Message List

books in browsers

On the Sophie 2 welcome page, it says "Sophie Reader allows readers to read Sophie books in a browser without downloading a separate application." Could you please point me to guidance for how to do this? I have downloaded Sophie 2, checked the tutorials, and still cannot figure it out. This is really what I need Sophie to do, so that I can put links to Sophie books on my web site. Last semester, I wrote a term paper in Sophie 1, but now I realize I have no way to share it.



  • Message #126

    Hi Rachael! Sorry for the late reply. Currently, you can see a book without installing the application via javawebstart, which actually downloads the application and runs it without having it installed. The second, more effective way is to show a book in an applet. To do this, you need a running Sophie Server with the book on it. Then you should navigate to the book and click on "Show in applet". This may take some time while the book is loading. Our team is currently working on a way better version of this feature, but unfortunately, currently we cannot promise any release dates.

    Please let us know if you have successfully configured your applet.



    EDIT: Detailed instructions on how to set up your server can be found here: ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/AnIntroductionToSophie/AnIntroductionToSophieServer


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