{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (42 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Milestone Y1 (40 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2565 [ipad-app] Arrows button does not hide when bottom bar is displayed uncategorized 2.1 bug mira s2c_design_ok 01/12/12
#2567 [html] Bottom bar is hidden when console is displayed uncategorized 2.1 bug tancheto s3c_implementation_ok 01/13/12
#2530 [html] Create unsupported content type frame uncategorized 2.0 bug antoni s3a_implementation_started 11/25/11
#2535 [ipad-app] Client crashes when the book http address is misspelled uncategorized 2.1 bug mira s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2538 Colors not saved properly when using Java7 uncategorized 2.1 bug meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2543 [ipad-app] Add library dialog tweaks uncategorized 2.1 bug s3c_implementation_ok 11/30/11
#2546 [ipad-app] Dialogs appear erratically uncategorized 2.1 bug s3c_implementation_ok 12/07/11
#2547 [ipad-app] There's a gray line in the leftmost side of the reader uncategorized 2.1 bug s3c_implementation_ok 12/08/11
#2550 [ipad-app] Several bugs uncategorized 2.1 bug s3c_implementation_ok 12/09/11
#2552 [html] Incorrect page positions uncategorized 2.1 bug s1b_analysis_finished 12/09/11
#2553 When page template is applied, frames share the same content PAGE_ELEMENTS 2.1 bug s1b_analysis_finished 12/09/11
#2555 Wrap mode is not preserved on copy/paste uncategorized 2.1 bug new 12/15/11
#2556 [html] Text tabulation fix uncategorized 2.1 bug antoni s3c_implementation_ok 12/19/11
#2558 [html] Memory leaks in JS and DOM uncategorized 2.1 bug antoni s3b_implementation_finished 01/06/12
#2560 QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on ipad uncategorized 2.1 bug meddle s3c_implementation_ok 01/10/12
#2562 [ipad-app] Sometimes covers do not appear in the reader uncategorized 2.1 bug s1c_analysis_ok 01/10/12
#2563 [html] The app crashes due to low memory while browsing a book uncategorized 2.1 bug s1b_analysis_finished 01/10/12
#2564 [ipad-app] Splash screen seems to be cut off from the left uncategorized 2.1 bug s2c_design_ok 01/11/12
#2568 [html] Page swipe does not work after a mistake has occurred uncategorized 2.1 bug antoni s3b_implementation_finished 01/13/12
#2571 [ipad-app] Research the reason for the downloading bar progress uncategorized 2.1 bug s1b_analysis_finished 01/17/12
#2527 Implement bulleting uncategorized 2.0 feature deyan s1a_analysis_started 11/25/11
#2533 [ipad] Remove books from trash uncategorized 2.1 feature mira s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2537 Implement foreground alpha for frames FRAMES 2.1 feature meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2539 Implement fade in and out for frames FRAMES 2.1 feature meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2542 [html] Not synced background audio is not exported uncategorized 2.1 feature antoni s3c_implementation_ok 11/29/11
#2545 [ipad-app] In app search uncategorized 2.1 feature s3c_implementation_ok 12/01/11
#2570 [html] Investigate memory leaks for embedded books functionality uncategorized 2.1 planned_task tancheto s2c_design_ok 01/13/12
#2528 Skin "Wrap mode" label in Appearance HUD uncategorized 2.0 tweak meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/25/11
#2531 Change frame outline FRAMES 2.0 tweak meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/25/11
#2532 Page structure palette improvements uncategorized 2.1 tweak meddle s3c_implementation_ok 11/25/11
#2534 [ipad-app] Handle deleted or broken books in reader uncategorized 2.1 tweak mira s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2536 [ipad-app] Use shadowed text for book titles in app uncategorized 2.1 tweak s3c_implementation_ok 11/28/11
#2540 [html] Exported resources should be exported once per instance uncategorized 2.1 tweak new 11/29/11
#2544 [html] Improve audio sync of exported books uncategorized 2.1 tweak antoni s3c_implementation_ok 12/01/11
#2549 [ipad-app] Search should filter results on each letter uncategorized 2.1 tweak deyan s1b_analysis_finished 12/08/11
#2551 [ipad-app] Replace "Sophie:" logo and about dialog from book view title bar uncategorized 2.1 tweak s3c_implementation_ok 12/09/11
#2557 [ipad-app] Add library redesign uncategorized 2.1 tweak mira s2a_design_started 12/20/11
#2561 [ipad-app] Library redesign uncategorized 2.1 tweak mira s3c_implementation_ok 01/10/12
#2569 [html] [PoC] Modify book to use div containers rather than iframe uncategorized 2.1 tweak tancheto s3a_implementation_started 01/13/12
#2566 [html] Modify tags in the manifest XML uncategorized 2.1 unplanned_task tancheto s3b_implementation_finished 01/13/12

Milestone Y2 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#2572 [IpadApp] Unpinning pin button on use of the navigation buttons uncategorized 2.1 bug new 02/28/12
#2573 [HTMLReader] Unvisible embedded book frames blinking uncategorized 2.1 bug new 02/28/12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.