-- ## 6: All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) ## -- -- -- A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports. SELECT p.value AS __color__, t.milestone AS __group__, (CASE status WHEN 'closed' THEN 'color: #777; background: #ddd; border-color: #ccc;' ELSE (CASE owner WHEN $USER THEN 'font-weight: bold' END) END) AS __style__, id AS ticket, summary, component, status, resolution,version, t.type AS type, priority, owner, changetime AS modified, time AS _time,reporter AS _reporter FROM ticket t LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority' ORDER BY (milestone IS NULL), milestone ASC, (status = 'closed'), (CASE status WHEN 'closed' THEN changetime ELSE (-1) * CAST(p.value AS int) END) DESC