Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Download/Beta-2

11/17/09 17:29:29 (15 years ago)



  • Download/Beta-2

    v1 v1  
     1= Download Sophie 2.0 = 
     3Sophie 2.0 is released under the [ Educational Community License, Version 2.0]. 
     5Sophie 2.0 requires Java 5 or its equivalent.   
     7== This is an old release == 
     9== Release notes == 
     11 * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions Installation instructions] 
     12 * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/03_ReportingBugs Reporting bugs] 
     14=== New features and fixes === 
     15 * Paragraph formatting support (align, indents, and spacing) 
     16 * Improved RTF import 
     17 * Multiple resource importing 
     18 * Resource exporting (in image and Sophie format) 
     19 * Sophie Server: web interface for resource manipulation 
     20 * Preview performance optimization 
     21=== Known issues === 
     22 * Web sites using Flash don't work in browser frames and may make Sophie unresponsive. 
     23 * Sophie's performance is better on computers when running in Java 6 than it is in Java 5; if your computer has both, make sure that you're using Java 6. 
     24 * There are issues with some movie files and large resources. 
     25 * Large video files can't currently be imported. 
     26 * Autochaining creates new pages but doesn't yet respect layouts. 
     27 * Parts of the timeline interface still work incorrectly. 
     28 * There are some issues with layout redrawing which affect performance. 
     29 * Not all resources can be exported in their original formats yet. 
     31== Downloads == 
     33=== ZIP of Sophie 2 beta 2 for all platforms === 
     34==== Sophie 2 Author ==== 
     35 * [ ] 
     36==== Sophie 2 Reader ==== 
     37 * [ ] 
     38==== Sophie 2 Server ==== 
     39 * [ ] 
     40==== Sophie 2 Platform ==== 
     41(This contains the Author, Reader, and Server components in one directory.) 
     43 * [ ] 
     45=== Installers of Sophie 2 beta 2 for Windows and Linux === 
     46==== Sophie 2 Author ==== 
     47 * [ sophie-2.0-author-installer-beta2.jar ] 
     48==== Sophie 2 Reader ==== 
     49 * [ sophie-2.0-reader-installer-beta2.jar ] 
     50==== Sophie 2 Server ==== 
     51 * [ sophie-2.0-server-installer-beta2.jar ] 
     53=== Mac OS Sophie 2 beta 2 packages === 
     54==== Sophie 2 Author ==== 
     55 * [ ] 
     57==== Sophie 2 Reader ==== 
     58 * [ ] 
     60=== Daily builds === 
     62These builds are the latest daily builds, in both ZIP and GZIP format. Use caution with these; the features present in these builds may not match that which is described in the [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation documentation] and have not been as tested as thoroughly as the regular release.  
     64 * [] 
     66=== Build server === 
     67 * Available at [] 
     69=== Source code === 
     70 * Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: [svn://]. 
     72== User documentation == 
     73 * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation Documentation for Sophie 2.0] 
     75=== Sample books === 
     76 * More demo books can be found [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/DemoBooks here]. 
     78=== Tutorials === 
     79 * Basic tutorials on getting started with Sophie are available [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/AnIntroductionToSophie here]. 
     81== Release schedule == 
     82 * [wiki:RELEASE_SCHEDULE Release schedule] 
     84=== Previous releases === 
     85 * [wiki:Download/Beta-1 Sophie 2.0 beta 1] 
     86 * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-4 Sophie 2.0 Test release 4] 
     87 * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-3 Sophie 2.0 Test release 3] 
     88 * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-2 Sophie 2.0 Test release 2] 
     89 * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-1 Sophie 2.0 Test release 1] 
     90 * [wiki:Download/Alpha-4 Sophie 2.0 alpha 4] 
     91 * [wiki:Download/Alpha-3 Sophie 2.0 alpha 3] 
     92 * [wiki:Download/Alpha-2 Sophie 2.0 alpha 2] 
     93 * [wiki:Download/Alpha-1 Sophie 2.0 alpha 1] 
     94 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha-5 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5] 
     95 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_4 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 4] 
     96 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_3 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 3] 
     97 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_2 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 2]