Changes between Version 41 and Version 42 of Download
- Timestamp:
- 05/16/09 00:59:31 (16 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v41 v42 5 5 Sophie 2.0 requires Java 6 or its equivalent. Please see the [wiki:ITERATION_07/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions installation instructions] for more information. 6 6 7 == The current release is Release 4, Sophie 2.0 iteration pre-alpha 5==7 == The current release Sophie 2.0 alpha 1 == 8 8 9 9 === Release notes === 10 10 11 * [wiki:ITERATION_0 7/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions Installation instructions]12 * [wiki:ITERATION_0 7/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/02_KnownProblems Known problems]13 * [wiki:ITERATION_0 7/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/03_ReportingBugs Reporting bugs]11 * [wiki:ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions Installation instructions] 12 * [wiki:ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/02_KnownProblems Known problems] 13 * [wiki:ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/03_ReportingBugs Reporting bugs] 14 14 15 15 === ZIP package for all platforms === 16 * []16 * [] 17 17 18 18 === Source code === 19 * Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: [svn://]. 19 * Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: [svn://]. 20 21 == Sample book == 22 * [] 20 23 21 24 === User documentation === 22 * [wiki:ITERATION_0 7/Release/UserDocumentation Documentation for Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5]25 * [wiki:ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation Documentation for Sophie 2.0 alpha 1] 23 26 24 27 === Tutorial === 25 * A basic tutorial on getting started with Sophie is available [wiki:ITERATION_0 7/Release/UserDocumentation/AnIntroductionToSophie here].28 * A basic tutorial on getting started with Sophie is available [wiki:ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation/AnIntroductionToSophie here]. 26 29 27 30 28 31 === Build server === 29 32 * Available at [] 33 30 34 === Release schedule === 31 35 * [wiki:RELEASE_SCHEDULE Release schedule] 32 36 33 37 === Previous releases === 38 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_5 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5] 34 39 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_4 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 4] 35 40 * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_3 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 3]