= Download Sophie 2.0 = Sophie 2.0 is released under the [http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 Educational Community License, Version 2.0]. Sophie 2.0 requires Java 5 or its equivalent. == The current release is Sophie 2.0.6 build 2010-05-04-XXXX == == Release notes == * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions Installation instructions] === New features and fixes === * Added frames in page templates * Adding/Removing element to page template adds/removes elements from instances * Created dialog for applying templates. * Improved create template dialog. * The create template dialog is reorganized in order to ease its use. * Added frames and groups inside page templates dialog * The options whether to include a given frame/page property in a template are now persisted. * The wrapping now can be preserved with other template features, as a result when there are autochains including wrapping it is preserved. * Server now preserves saved books and they can be loaded after restart * Added background download/upload resources from/to client/server. * Several bugs related to the Sophie Server web interface were fixed. * Sophie can now open books that were added as command line arguments * Dragging a comment frame to PWA now creates frames * Numerous web interface server features are implemented - login, logout, register, forgotten password * Now the user is able to log in to the server from Sophie Author and Reader. * Autoactions are now skinnable. * Improved alignment HUD appearance, new icons added. * Fixed a bug that occured if the first change of a book was text change * Fixed bug related with saving book and changing text styling. * The glitch with button skins inside Sophie was removed. === Known issues === * On MacOS 10.5 first insert of a media and browser may bring an error report * Web sites using Flash don't display correctly in browser frames. * Sophie's performance is better on computers when running in Java 6 than it is in Java 5; if your computer has both, make sure that you're using Java 6 * Parts of the timeline interface still work incorrectly. * There are some issues with layout redrawing on Windows Vista. * Not all resources can be exported in their original formats yet. * Possible audio issues with linux32 == Downloads == == All platform ZIP of Sophie 2.0 build 2010-05-04-XXXX == (This contains the Author, Reader, and Server components in one directory.) * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-platform.zip sophie-2.0.6-platform.zip ] === Web installer of Sophie 2.0 build 2010-05-04-XXXX for Windows and Linux === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/packs/sophie-2.0.6-installer.jar sophie-2.0.6-installer.jar ] == Author == === Mac ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-author-mac32i.zip sophie-2.0.6-author-mac32i.zip ] === Win32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-author-win32.zip sophie-2.0.6-author-win32.zip ] === Linux32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-author-linux32.zip sophie-2.0.6-author-linux32.zip ] === Linux64 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-author-linux64.zip sophie-2.0.6-author-linux64.zip ] == Reader == === Mac ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-reader-mac32i.zip sophie-2.0.6-reader-mac32i.zip ] === Win32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-reader-win32.zip sophie-2.0.6-reader-win32.zip ] === Linux32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-reader-linux32.zip sophie-2.0.6-reader-linux32.zip ] === Linux64 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-reader-linux64.zip sophie-2.0.6-reader-linux64.zip ] == Server == === Mac ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-server-mac32i.zip sophie-2.0.6-server-mac32i.zip ] === Win32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-server-win32.zip sophie-2.0.6-server-win32.zip ] === Linux32 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-server-linux32.zip sophie-2.0.6-server-linux32.zip ] === Linux64 ZIP === * [http://sophie2.org/downloads/sophie-2.0.6-server-linux64.zip sophie-2.0.6-server-linux64.zip ] === Daily builds === These builds are the latest daily builds, in both ZIP and GZIP format. Use caution with these; the features present in these builds may not match that which is described in the [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/UserDocumentation.html documentation] and have not been as tested as thoroughly as the regular release. * [http://sophie2.org/daily_builds/] === Build server === * Available at [http://sophie2.org:8080/] === Source code === * Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: [svn://sophie2.org/sophie2/tags/release-21-sophie2.0.6. Subversion can be downloaded from http://subversion.tigris.org/. == User documentation == * [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/UserDocumentation.html Documentation for Sophie] === Previous releases === * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0.5 Sophie 2.0.5] * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0.4 Sophie 2.0.4] * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0.3 Sophie 2.0.3] * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0.2 Sophie 2.0.2] * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0.1 Sophie 2.0.1] * [wiki:Download/Sophie2.0 Sophie 2.0] * [wiki:Download/Beta-3 Sophie 2.0 beta 3] * [wiki:Download/Beta-2 Sophie 2.0 beta 2] * [wiki:Download/Beta-1 Sophie 2.0 beta 1] * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-4 Sophie 2.0 Test release 4] * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-3 Sophie 2.0 Test release 3] * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-2 Sophie 2.0 Test release 2] * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-1 Sophie 2.0 Test release 1] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-4 Sophie 2.0 alpha 4] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-3 Sophie 2.0 alpha 3] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-2 Sophie 2.0 alpha 2] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-1 Sophie 2.0 alpha 1] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha-5 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_4 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 4] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_3 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 3] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_2 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 2] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_2 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 2]