= Download Sophie 2.0 = Sophie 2.0 is released under the [http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 Educational Community License, Version 2.0]. Sophie 2.0 requires Java 6 or its equivalent. Please see the [wiki:ITERATION_11/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions installation instructions] for more information. == The current release is Sophie 2.0 test release 2 == == Release notes == * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/01_InstallationInstructions Installation instructions] * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/02_KnownProblems Known problems] * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/01_PreReleaseSophie/03_ReportingBugs Reporting bugs] === New features === * Browser frames * Audio frames * Video frames * Comment frames * Basic timelines * Basic text styling (see known issues) * Text chaining * Text search === Improvements === * Page preview palette is now more usable * Full screen is now more usable * Zoom panel is now more usable * Rotation is now done by dragging the rotation halo Known issues: * Preview performance is low in some cases * Some media formats may cause issues when previewed * Text styles are not saved * Resizing frames by dragging borders crashes the application * Page resize halos may work incorrectly * Playing more than one media stream may break the application * Comment frames could not be saved == Downloads == === ZIP of Sophie 2 test release 2 for all platforms === ==== Sophie 2 Author ==== * [http://sophie2.org/test-release2/sophie2-testrelease2-author.zip sophie2-testrelease2-author.zip ] ==== Sophie 2 Reader ==== * [http://sophie2.org/test-release2/sophie2-testrelease2-reader.zip sophie2-testrelease2-reader.zip ] ==== Sophie 2 Server ==== * [http://sophie2.org/test-release2/sophie2-testrelease2-server.zip sophie2-testrelease2-server.zip ] === MacOS Sophie 2 test release 2 packages === ==== Sophie 2 Author ==== * [http://sophie2.org/test-release2/sophie2-testrelease2-author-mac.zip sophie2-testrelease2-author-mac.zip ] ==== Sophie 2 Reader ==== * [http://sophie2.org/test-release2/sophie2-testrelease2-reader-mac.zip sophie2-testrelease2-reader-mac.zip ] === Daily builds === These builds are the latest daily builds, in both ZIP and GZIP format. Use caution with these; the features present in these builds may not match that which is described in the [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation documentation] and have not been as tested as thoroughly as the regular release. * [http://sophie2.org/daily_builds/] === Build server === * Available at [http://sophie2.org:8080/] === Source code === * Source code can be checked out anonymously from Subversion: [svn://sophie2.org/sophie2/tags/release-10-sophie2-testing2]. == User documentation == * [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation Documentation for Sophie 2.0 test release 1] === Sample books === * More demo books can be found [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/DemoBooks here]. === Tutorials === * Basic tutorials on getting started with Sophie are available [wiki:ITERATION_12/Release/UserDocumentation/AnIntroductionToSophie here]. == Release schedule == * [wiki:RELEASE_SCHEDULE Release schedule] === Previous releases === * [wiki:Download/TestRelease-1 Sophie 2.0 Test release 1] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-4 Sophie 2.0 alpha 4] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-3 Sophie 2.0 alpha 3] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-2 Sophie 2.0 alpha 2] * [wiki:Download/Alpha-1 Sophie 2.0 alpha 1] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha-5 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 5] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_4 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 4] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_3 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 3] * [wiki:Download/Pre-alpha_2 Sophie 2.0 pre-alpha 2]