[[BackLinksMenu]] = 5. Working with Text = When a text frame is inserted on page (using '''Insert > Text'''), clicking inside the frame inserts the cursor in the frame and text can be entered. While [wiki:ITERATION_03/Release/UserDocumentation/02_WorkingWithSophie/02_HalosAndHUDs text halos] do appear in this release of Sophie, they are not part of the release and may not work correctly. Click anywhere in a text frame to edit text or to change the insertion point; you can use the arrow keys as well as the Home/End/PageUp/PageDown keys to move around in text. Clicking outside of a text frame will remove the insertion point. A cursor inserted in text looks like this: [[Image(source:/trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/RELEASE_3/CursorInTextFrame.png)]]