= Installation Instructions = == On all machines == Download the zipped file from [http://sophie2.org/trac/wiki/Download here] and unzip it to create the directory ''sophie2-pre-alpha-5''. == Windows == Run the file ''sophie2-pre-alpha-5\build_run.bat''. == Linux == Run the file ''sophie2-pre-alpha-5/build_run.sh''. == Mac OS X == Older Intel-based Macs (with 32-bit processors) don't have Java 6 installed. This release is dependent upon Java 6; future releases will solve this incompatibility. However, Sophie 2 can be run on these machines if X11 is installed by installing !SoyLatte, an open source version of Java 6. To run Sophie 2: 1. Download !SoyLatte from [http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/static/soylatte/][[BR]] 2. Unzip the !SoyLatte zip file.[[BR]] 3. Open Terminal and move the !SoyLatte directory to /usr/bin/: ''mv soylatte16-i386-1.0.3 /usr/bin/''.[[BR]] 4. Set the path for !SoyLatte to run Java: ''export PATH=/usr/local/soylatte16-i386-1.0.3/bin:$PATH''.[[BR]] 5. In the Terminal, navigate to the directory created when you unzipped the Sophie 2 download. 6. Run Sophie by typing ''sh build_run.sh''.[[BR]] On newer Macs (with 64-bit processors), Sophie 2 can be run without installing !SoyLatte. To do this, it's necessary to make sure that you're using Java 6. 1. Open the application Java Preferences in /Applications/Utilities/Java/ and in the applications subpanel, drag ''Java SE 6'' to the top: [[Image(source:/trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/userdoc-images/RELEASE_3/OSXJavaPreferences.png)]] 2. Run Sophie by opening the Terminal, navigating to ''sophie2-pre-alpha-5'', and typing ''sh build_run.sh''.