[[BackLinksMenu]] = Known issues = This build of Sophie 2 is a pre-release build and consequently does not have much of the functionality of the full Sophie 2. The documentation explains which parts of Sophie 2 are not in this release. == Known issues on all platforms == * All frames currently have a 10-pixel red border and are by default sized 280 x 210 pixels. This is not final behavior. * Timelines functionality is currently incomplete and functions only in Author. * Inserting stickies currently causes a crash. * Text background is white by default. * Links may not always work correctly. * Pause button on audio and video doesn’t respond in preview. * When grouping, z-order is messed up (frames enter in the group in order of selection) * "Here will be the books background" text is seen when the desktop book size is small. * Sometimes book focus is lost - especially when a preview of a book is closed. This may cause inserting frames in wrong book (not focused one). * Padding works incorrectly - instead of making content smaller, it makes the frame bigger * Gradients are not saveable - if you use gradients, they won't be saved. * Extensions are not added automatically on Open dialog - this means that you have to add them yourself if you wish to type in filename instead of clicking it. * Trying to open files that don't exist crashes the application * Book window maximize is incorrect sometimes (when it is not fully visible at the moment of maximization) * Page border in preview is always red 10px. == Mac issues == * Currently, downloading a Sophie book in Safari may change the extension from ''.spbf'' to ''.spbf.zip''. Remove the ''.zip'' suffix; the books will open normally in Sophie. * Browser frames do not work on Macs. * Audio recording does not work on Macs running Sophie using SoyLatte/X11. == Windows issues == * Browser frames do not work on Windows.