6 | | 2. Create a new Sophie book. Make it 360 x 480; give it whatever title you like. |
7 | | 3. For the first page, choose '''Insert > Image''' from the menu bars. Choose the first image, ''000title.png''. |
8 | | 4. The image will be inserted on the page; move it until it is in the right spot, or open its frame size & position HUD and set its X to 0 and its Y to 0 to make sure it's correct. |
9 | | 5. Now let's add the link on the page so that it turns to the next page when you click on it. Click on the link halo to open the image's link HUD. |
| 8 | 2. Create a [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/SophieAuthor/02_WorkingWithBooks/01_MakingANewBook.html new Sophie book]. Make the width 360 and the height 480; give it whatever title you like. |
| 9 | 3. Now let's [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/SophieAuthor/05_WorkingWithMedia/01_AddingResourcesToSophie.html insert the first image]. For the first page, choose '''Insert > Image''' from the menu bars. Choose the first image, ''000title.png''. |
| 10 | 4. The image will be inserted on the page; move it until it is in the right spot, or open its [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/SophieAuthor/03_WorkingWithFrames/01_ChangingTheSizeAndPositionOfAFrame.html frame size & position HUD] and set its X to 0 and its Y to 0 to make sure it's correct. |
| 11 | 5. Now let's add the [http://www.sophie2.org/users/help/SophieAuthor/06_WorkingWithLinks.html link] on the page so that it turns to the next page when you click on it. Click on the link halo to open the image's link HUD. |