14 | | * It must be decided what resources will be persisted on the server. For example, resources with local scope and targets of resources with server scope will probably not be stored. |
15 | | * Then must be decided how these resources will be stored (database, xml, etc.) |
16 | | * The persistence module must be updated with a proto "resource persistence" support. You can see the basic resource operations here: [wiki:BASE_RESOURCE_COMMONS_R0] |
17 | | * Approptiate unit tests must be written. |
18 | | * The created persistence schema must be explained in the design section (maybe diagrams, etc). |
| 14 | * Resource concepts on server and client must be unified - there will not be differences between a server resource and a client resource. This involves making the server core use the "base" modules instead of the current DAOs. |
| 15 | * If the server.persistence module (or some its packages) is not needed yet, it should be removed from the project. |
| 16 | * Check and repair errors in the code. There are servlets (for example) currently, which use some the DAO objects User, Book, etc. The code should not be broken. |
| 17 | * The created resource ersistence schema must be explained in the design section (maybe diagrams, etc). |