Create a new book Try to set size width to <64 Set the width to 64 and height <64 Set the height to 64 and the width to >1600 Set the height to >1600 and the width to 640 Set the height to 640, width to 480 and the title to "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG" Apply the following layout to the pages 1. JPG image background, 1 image frame, page border 30px top 20 px left 10px right 0px bottom, RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 150 2. JPG image pattern background, jpg linked two times, resized to frame sizes 40x40 1500x1500(?) , rotated at 45 deg, boder1 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255; border2 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 3. GIF image background, 1 gif, page border 30px top 20 px left 10px right 0px bottom, RGB (100, 50,50), alpha 150 4. GIF image pattern background, gif linked two times, resized to frame sizes 40x40 1500x1500(?) , rotated at 45 deg, boder1 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255; border2 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 5. PNG image background, 1 png, page border 30px top 20 px left 10px right 0px bottom, RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 150 6. PNG image pattern background, png linked two times, resized to frame sizes 40x40 1500x1500(?) , rotated at 45 deg, boder1 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255; border2 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 7. BMP image background, 1 bmp, page border 30px top 20 px left 10px right 0px bottom, RGB (100, 50,50), alpha 150 8. BMP image pattern background, bmp linked two times, resized to frame sizes 40x40 1500x1500(?) , rotated at 45 deg, boder1 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255; border2 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 9. JPEG image background, 1 jpeg, page border 30px top 20 px left 10px right 0px bottom, RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 150 10. JPEG image pattern background, jpeg linked two times, resized to frame sizes 40x40 1500x1500(?) , rotated at 45 deg, boder1 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255; border2 RGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 11. Radial background, text frame with default size and radial background, frame margins and padding 30px 12. Linear background, text frame with default size and linear background, frame margins and padding 0px 13. Solid background RGB (100, 50,50), alpha 255, text frame with default size and solid backgroundRGB (50, 100,50), alpha 0 14. Solid background RGB (100, 50,50), alpha 0, text frame with default size and solid backgroundRGB (50, 100,50), alpha 255 15. Default background, AVI with sound 16. Default background, AVI without sound 17. Default background, MOV with sound 18. Default background, MOV without sound 19. Default background, audio frame with image background 20. Default background, PDF 21. Default background, HTML (simple) 22. Default background, Plain text (simple) 23. Default background, RTF text (simple) 24. Default background, Comment frame 25. Default background, Browser frame, pos 0x0, size 640x480 26. Try to insert jpg, gif, png, avi, mov, wav,... as pdf and so on? 27. Insert image frames as links * Toggle frame * on click * mouse pressed * mouse released * mouse enter * mouse double click * frame shown * show * hide * frame hidden * show * hide 28. Go to next page * on click * mouse pressed * mouse released * mouse enter * mouse double click * frame shown * show * hide * frame hidden * show * hide 29. Go to page 28 * on click * mouse pressed * mouse released * mouse enter * mouse double click * frame shown * show * hide * frame hidden * show * hide 30. Run script (what script?, something simple that has visual result) * on click * mouse pressed * mouse released * mouse enter * mouse double click * frame shown * show * hide * frame hidden * show * hide 31 Show and hide frame * on click show frame * mouse pressed hide frame * mouse released show frame * mouse enter hide frame * mouse leave show frame * mouse double click hide frame * frame shown show frame * show * hide * frame hidden hide frame * show * hide 32. Create text frames on pages 32 and 33. Link the frames (chain) and insert text so it reflows Add all of the frames as templates Add all of the pages as templates Create a new book On page 1 embed the created book (linked) On page 2 embed the created book (true)