Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of TEXT_LAYOUT_LAZY
- Timestamp:
- 02/24/10 10:23:39 (15 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v16 v17 106 106 107 107 = Implementation = 108 108 109 * The task is implemented according the design in [browser:branches/private/kyli/2331]. 110 109 111 * The problem with the broken search still persists, I hope it will be fixed in near future. This task is intended to be integrated in out private branch for now, so the broken search will not be a problem until our merge date. I take the responsibility not to forget about this issue until then. 112 110 113 * The PagePreviewPalette has some problems with repainting. However, this does not concern the text layout, nor the text layout is the reason for this behavior. The problem is that when an area layout is recomputed, it is not redrawn. I doubt this is an issue, since we do not guarantee the PPP will display the exact content of a page. 114 111 115 * The background thread only calls a HotLayout's method. The only performance problems it could have (in my opinion) is, that it could iterate infinitely. Therefore I created a test (linked in the design section), which asserts the thread does not deliver unneeded results. When no work is required, the thread waits blocked. On the other side, every head text frame has exactly one background thread (not like in the auto-chaining), Which I think is OK. 116 112 117 * The auto-chain invocation and background-thread one have been put in a ResourceProperty, I think this makes the design more clear and it is now visible when and why these thread work. 118 113 119 114 120 * Just a note, please do not forget that this ticket should be integrated in the [svn://] branch.