86 | | * Part 3 (boyan) - app menu items: [5644], EventIds: [5647], [5648], Logics implementations: [5739], [5767], [5783], [5829], [5834], [5914], [5948], [5991], [6129] |
| 86 | * Part 3 (boyan) - app menu items: [5644], EventIds: [5647], [5648], Logics implementations: [5739], [5767], [5783], [5829], [5834], [5914], [5948], [5991], [6129], [6220] |
| 87 | |
| 88 | This task is declared completed, although a lot of things are left to be done. This is due to its huge scope and the difficulty of reviewing a large task. |
| 89 | |
| 90 | After this iteration the following has been achieved: |
| 91 | * A convention for naming logics has been created. It is described in the [wiki:UNPLANNED_LOGIC_REFACTORING_R0#Design Design] section of this document. |
| 92 | * Most of the duplicate code identified in the design has been removed. |
| 93 | * Old logic classes have been deleted and their functionality has been moved to new logics. |
| 94 | * Unimplemented things have been marked with a "FIXME (R4)" tag. |
| 95 | * SortKeys have been added to some logics. |
| 96 | |
| 97 | The following needs to be done at the next iteration: |
| 98 | * Nested logics in some huds and halos need to be extracted. |
| 99 | * Some bound controls still override the submitData() method, this should be fixed. |
| 100 | * All "FIXME (R4)" logics should be reimplemented with the new design. |
| 101 | * SortKeys should be added to all logics. |