Last modified 17 years ago
Last modified on 08/28/08 11:18:24
Sophie Layout represents the overall layout of Sophie. It is represented by the following:
- The Title Bar - typical for most applications.
- The Menus Bar - containing basic menus.
- The Workspace, which in turn contains:
- Book's desktop
- Book Tabbar
Note: Every Flap discussed below has Tabs, which in turn have Palettes. Flaps are resize-able, can be hidden, shown and moved elsewhere. These options apply to Tabs and Palettes as well. A Palette can be moved to a different Tab than its default one. Default Flaps with their Tabs and Palette are listed below:
- The Left Flap - positioned on the left of the Main Window. It contains:
- The Books Tab
- The Opened Books Palette
- The Embedded Books Palette
- The Pages Tab
- The Page Preview Palette
- The Page Structure Palette
- The Tools Tab
- The Searching Palette
- The Search/Replace Palette
- The Spellcheck Palette
- The Annotations Tab
- The Highlights Palette
- The Stickies Palette
- The Audio Recording Palette
- The Timelines Tab with only one Palette displaying the Timelines.
- The Books Tab
- The Right Flap - positioned on the right of the Main Window. It contains:
- The Components Tab
- The Resources Tab
- The Servers Tab
- The Bottom Flap containing only the Timeline Editor Tab and Palette.
- The Status Bar - positioned at the bottom of the Main Window.