Last modified 17 years ago
Last modified on 08/28/08 10:29:05
Sophie allows resource exporting an importing between books.
- This can be done by using File Menu buttons "Export resources" and "Import resources".
- Sophie also allows remote resources importing. Remote objects are objects that reside on a network rather than on a user’s local computer. Remote objects are not saved inside of a Sophie book when it is saved; they remain on their web server or in network storage.
- Any allowed local Sophie media type can also be used remotely. The URL of a remote object is used to access it. Import Resource from URL is used to access a remote object. The remote object’s icon appears in the media palette for its type. Remote objects are used in making Sophie books the same way local objects are used; they are dragged onto a page.
- When the reader opens a book that includes a remote object, the object is downloaded when the reader gets to the page on which the object appears. If the reader does not have a working Internet connection, the remote object is not displayed.
- Resources can be added that reside on the Internet. Link to Resource from URL downloads the resource and includes it in the Sophie book. An icon for the resource will be added to the Resources Tab in the appropriate palette where it can be dragged it can be dragged to the page.
- Sophie 2.0 allow the user to embed videos from the web(for example various YouTube videos). Flash animations are also supported. The user can save all remote resources into the book for offline reading and watching.
- Objects can be saved using remote links for later remote access.