Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 06/05/09 17:09:00
Sophie 2 security model
This page describes the security model of Sophie2. Currently only users and user groups are implemented.
Users in Sophie2 are a kind of resources that hold the following properties:
- username (required)
- password (required)
- email (required)
- full name
- birthdate
- description (about me)
- groups
Each user can belong to 0 or more groups.
Groups in Sophie2 are a kind of resources that hold the following properties:
- name (required)
- description
- owner
- users
A group can contain one or more users. The owner is the user who has created the group and can have more permissions than other users in the group.
This section will be filled when permissions are implemented.
Write your comments here --developer-id@YYYY-MM-DD