Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on 09/11/08 18:07:46

It contains items having to do with the opening and saving of Sophie books and their content. The File Menu is invoked by Alt+F or File in the Menu Bar and must contain following options:

  • New Book - creates a new Sophie book. The user is prompted for the width and height of the new book.
  • Open Book - prompts for the location of a saved Sophie book file on the computer. Pressing command/control-O results in the same action.
  • Open Recent Books - displays a list of recently used Sophie books. Clicking on one of them opens it, clicking elsewhere makes the list disappear.
  • Close Book - closes the currently selected Sophie book. A prompt allowing changes to be saved is displayed with controls provided.
  • Save Book - saves the current Sophie book. A prompt allowing changes to be saved is displayed with controls provided.
  • Save Book As - prompts for a name under which to save a copy of the current Sophie book. This new file becomes the working book file.
  • Save Book Template - saves a book as a book template. If the book template is saved in Sophie’s default book template directory, then the new book template is listed in the book templates palette.
  • Publish Book - exports the current Sophie book in a format that can be used in Sophie Reader. Published books have the extension .sophie. Changes to the current book are saved and the book is closed after it is turned into a published book. The published version is then opened.
  • Export - converts the current book to PDF, HTML, RTF, and other formats.
  • Import Resource from URL - prompts for the URL of a remote object that can be used in a Sophie book. This object is then downloaded and included in the current Sophie book’s resources.
  • Link to Resource from URL - prompts for the URL of a remote object that can be used in a Sophie book. The object is included in Sophie’s resources but is not downloaded before the reader views it on the page.
  • Import File - allows for an object to be dragged from the local computer to Sophie's resources. A prompt for the location of resources is displayed.
  • Link To File - prompts for the location of an object on the local computer. The object can be used in a Sophie book but cannot be imported into the book.
  • Export Resources - exports all resources in a Sophie book to a new folder. A prompt for a location in which to store the data is displayed.
