Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 03/07/09 14:09:32

Remove ? for filled sections.




Sophie books appear inside the Sophie workspace. Each book has its own window. A book window has a few main parts. The title bar - displays the book’s name. The words “(author mode)” or “(test mode),” indicating which mode Sophie is in, appear after the book's name. Double-clicking the title bar minimizes the book, leaving only the title bar visible. Double-clicking it again returns the book to its normal window. Clicking the square icon maximizes the book size in the workspace. Clicking an X icon closes the book. The visible page - below the title bar is the book itself, where the book's selected page is presented. A drag handle allows the book’s page size to be adjusted. As the drag handle is moved, the current width and height of the book is displayed with the cursor. Adjusting the page's size is different to adjusting the size of the book’s window. If a book’s page size is larger than the book’s window, the page generates scroll bars inside the book window. The scroll bars can be used to reposition areas of the page that are not visible. Each BookWindow is responsible for displaying a single book. At the time of creation of a window it is bound to a book. It is then responsible for displaying the current page of the book.

Embedded book windows - clicking a link in a Sophie book in test mode opens an embedded book in its own window. Embedded books opened this way have a different window than regular Sophie books. Embedded book windows cannot be resized. Double-clicking on the title bar minimizes the book to just the title bar; clicking the X at the right of the title bar closes the window. The X and Y fields in the bottom left corner show the value and can be manually changed.




Mouse Behavior?

Keyboard Behavior?

Mouse + Keyboard?

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