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The embedded books palette is a list of all the books that are embedded in (or linked from) the book the user currently has opened and selected. To use an embedded book, he can drag it to the workspace to open its window or drag it to a page in the container book to embed it on that page.
Mouse Behavior
- Double Clicking an embedded book from the palette opens it for editing.
- Left Clicking an embedded book and dragging it to a page of the container book embeds it again.
Keyboard Behavior
- Up/down arrows scroll the list items
Mouse + Keyboard
- Left Clicking an embedded book and dragging it to a page of the container book with pressed Alt key creates a linked embedded copy.
Triggered by?
OS Specific?
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Embedded books If the user drags a book template onto a page of another Sophie book, a new book will be created that is inside of the existing book. This is called an embedded book. Embedded books can be embedded in two different ways. A fully embedded book lives entirely inside the parent book: when the user sends the parent book to someone, the embedded book goes with it, like a media resource that is in the book. A linked embedded book does not live inside the parent book; while it displays in the same way as a fully embedded book, it lives somewhere else. If the user sends someone a parent book without the linked embedded book, the linked embedded book will not be displayed. The reader will be prompted for the location of the embedded book. Embedded books in Sophie can appear both on the page of the container book, like frames, or in their own window, opened from a link in Sophie. These books can be either fully embedded or linked embedded. 4.5.5 Creating fully embedded books A book can be fully embedded in another book if it is made from a book template. To make a book template, create a book and save it as a book template in the default book template directory. The book template that the user has created will appear in the book template palette. From there, it can be dragged to the page of the book he wants to embed it in. Text or media inserted into an embedded book created in this way will be saved inside of the container book. Another way to create a fully embedded book is to drag an open book from the books palette to the page of the book the user wants to embed it in while holding down the control key. When the book is dropped, Sophie will attempt to turn the book he wants to embed into a book template so that it can be fully embedded. A book that is embedded in either of these two ways will appear on the page to which the user dragged the book template or book. An unwanted embedded book can be deleted. The book will be deleted from the page but will still exist in the embedded books palette. An alternate way of fully embedding books is opening of the Sophie book file of the book the user want to contain the embedded book and dropping the book he wants to embed into the Contents folder. The next time the user opens the container book in Sophie, the book he dropped into the Contents folder will appear in the embedded books palette. 4.5.6 Creating linked embedded books To create a linked embedded book, open both the book to embed and the book that will be the container book. Drag the icon for the book to embed from the books palette to the page of the container book on which the embedded book will appear. Both books are still independent. A change in an embedded book when its container book is closed will be visible the next time the embedded book is opened from the container book. Holding down the control key when dragging a book from the book palette to the page of the book will cause Sophie to attempt to convert the book into a template so that the book can be fully embedded. This process will strip out all content of the embedded book. If the conversion fails, an error message will be displayed. Renaming embedded books An embedded book can be renamed by double-clicking its name in the embedded books palette. This does not change the embedded book’s filename. It does change the title displayed in the embedded book’s title bar if the embedded book is displayed in its own window. Deleting embedded books An embedded book is deleted from the embedded books palette by selecting the embedded book and pressing DELETE or BACKSPACE. Displaying embedded books An embedded book can be displayed either on the page (like an image or a movie) or in its own window. The same book can be embedded in multiple places in the same parent book. An embedded book created by dragging a book or book template to the page of another book will display on that page by default. Such an embedded book can be deleted by selecting it by clicking its frame and pressing DELETE or BACKSPACE to remove it from the page. The embedded book will continue to be displayed in the embedded books list. It can be dragged from the list to the same page or another page in the book. A book that is embedded on a page of a parent book can be moved around the page like any other object. To turn the pages of such a book, the reader needs to click in the book to move focus to that book, and then use the arrow keys to turn the pages. When focus is in the embedded book, the page palette will show thumbnails for the pages in the embedded book, not the pages in the parent book. An embedded book can also be opened in a separate window by making a link and choosing Open Book in New Window. Dragging the embedded book from the embedded book palette to the third field in the link HUD defines the target of the operation. When the link is triggered, the embedded book will be opened in its own window. An embedded book displayed in this kind of window can be either fully embedded or linked embedded. Embedded book windows differ from other Sophie book windows in that they do not include a status bar or scroll bars. 4.5.7 Embedded books palette The embedded books palette is a list of all the books that are embedded in (or linked from) the book that is currently opened and selected. To use an embedded book, the user can drag it to the workspace to open its window or drag it to a page in the container book to embed it on that page.