Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 04/04/09 12:38:10
Everywhere same behavior
- F1 Open Help system
- F11 Full Screen mode
- Esc Window mode
- Alt+F File Menu
- Alt+E Edit Menu
- Alt+I Insert menu
- Alt+W Window Menu
- Alt+H Help menu
- Alt+F4 Close
- Ctrl+Tab Scroll forward between opened book windows
- Ctrl+Shift+Tab Scroll backwards between opened tabs
- Ctrl+N Create a new book
- Ctrl+O Open book
- Ctrl+W Close book
- Ctrl+Z Undo last group of changes
- Ctrl+Y Redo last group of changes
- Ctrl+C Copy selected element (selection, etc)
- Ctrl+D Duplicate selected element (for frames - with 10 pixels offset if it is in the same book)
- Ctrl+X Cut selected element (copy and delete on paste)
- Ctrl+V Paste selected element. If an element is pasted on the same page, it is inserted with an offset
- Ctrl+G Group selected elements
- Ctrl+F Find (how? palette or dialogue?)
- Ctrl+H Replace (how? palette or dialogue?)
- Ctrl+P print current document
- Ctrl+S save current document
- Ctrl+Shift+S save current document as
Focus dependent shortcuts
- Ctrl+A Select all (text, frames, menu items)
Text editing shortcuts
- Ctrl+U underline selected text
- Ctrl+I apply italics style to selected text
- Ctrl+B apply bold style to selected text