Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 02/26/09 09:10:36
Remove ? for filled sections.
The page palette shows thumbnails of every page in the book; the page the user has currently on has a red outline. If he makes the flap wider, the thumbnails will get bigger. The page palette is also used when the user wants to apply a page template to a page. To do this, drag the page template you want from the page template palette to the page you want to apply it to. To insert a new page, drag the page template before, between, or after an existing page in the page palette.
Mouse Behavior
- Left Clicking on a page thumbnail from the list navigates to that page
- Left Clicking on a page thumbnail and dragging up/down changes pages order
Keyboard Behavior
- Delete key deletes selected page
- Backspace key deletes selected page
Mouse + Keyboard
- Left Clicking + Ctrl key allows multiple page selection.
- Left Clicking + Shift key allows sequent page selection.
Triggered by?
OS Specific
PC key Ctrl is called Command on Mac.