Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 03/07/09 14:34:47

Remove ? for filled sections.



A page template is a collection of frames that the user wants to appear on more than one page.

  • The page template also contains the page background. Page templates are used to save time. If the user wants a header graphic at the top of every page and a footer graphic at the bottom of every page, he could manually place the graphics on every page in the book. But it’s much faster just to apply a page template which automatically places those graphics.
  • Frames that are on a page can be moved to the page template, frames that are on the page template can be removed from the page template.
  • In Sophie, the user can edit frames that are on page templates just as he can edit frames that are not on page templates, though there may be ramifications: if the user has editing text in a frame that appears on pages 1–5 on page 1, he may be changing pages 1–5 just as he has changing page 1.
  • Every page in Sophie uses a page template, though a page template may not have any frames on it.
  • The user can see which page templates are in his book by looking in the page template palette in the components tab: all the page templates used by the book are listed in that palette, with orange dots next to the ones that are in use.
  • Pages are added to a Sophie book in exactly the same way that page templates are applied to pages.

o Select the page template of the wanted page to add (or "blank page template" if the user wants to add a blank page) and drag it to the list of pages. Instead of dropping it on a page, drop it before or after a page: a red line will appear showing the place in the book where the new page will be added. o The user can also add pages by selecting a page in the page palette and control-dragging above it or below it in the page palette until he sees a horizontal line between pages. The new page will be inserted between those pages, it will use the page template from the dragged page. If it is dropped on an existing page, the new page will be added after that page. (Pages can also be added by a flow frame that’s full. When a page is created this way, the new page will have the page template of the page that created it.)


[[Image(source:/trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/spec-diagrams/Filename.png, 100%)]]


Mouse Behavior?

Keyboard Behavior?

Mouse + Keyboard?

Triggered by?

Related tasks?