Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 02/26/09 15:05:24

Remove ? for filled sections.




A window is a (usually) rectangular portion of the display on a computer monitor that presents its contents (e.g., the contents of a directory, a text file or an image) seemingly independently of the rest of the screen. Windows are one of the elements that comprise a graphical user interface (GUI).

  • Each window has its own Title Bar.
  • When the content is bigger than the visual working area of the window, scrollbars appear. Note that content is defined for specific elements.


[[Image(source:/trunk/sophie2-platform/doc/spec-diagrams/Filename.png, 100%)]]


Mouse Behavior

  • Left Clicking Window's title bar and dragging moves the window around.
  • Left Clicking Titlebar buttons Closes/Minimizes/Maximizes/Restores the window.
  • Left Clicking left/right/bottom edge of the window and dragging changes window's size in desired direction.
  • Left Clicking left/right and bottom corner of the window and dragging changes window's size in desired directions.

Keyboard Behavior?

  • Alt+Tab scrolls between different windows in the operating system.
  • Ctrl+Tab scrolls between different subwindows (book windows) of Sophie.

Mouse + Keyboard?

Triggered by?

OS Specific

Window controls may vary on different operating systems.

Related tasks?