Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 06/02/09 14:38:21

Obsolete, use as reference only

= Common elements and behavior =
= Positive issues =
 * Icons
  * Book opened (templates, flow represantation)
  * Book closed
 * Frame icons (flow, non-flow, etc)
 * Grey texts (for drag and drop)
 * Selected frames (dashed border) and frame move halo 
 * Page selector
 * Tabs for different modes - frames, no frames and test
= Features that need to be improved =
 * Current flow represantation (page preview) supports only flows on nearby pages
 * Page preview should be page layout independent
 * All scrollbars should have or don't have arrows
= Features that need to be changed =
 * Consistant flaps, tabs and palettes - most of the book editing controls should be in palettes
  * List palettes - should be with icons of same size and text(and scrollbars). Can contain buttons
  * Meta palettes - contains text (and scrollbars). May also contain buttons
 * Current flow represantation (page preview) supports only flows on nearby pages
 * Page preview should be page layout independent
 * All scrollbars should have or don't have arrows
= Missing features =
 * Book window - Because Sophie 2 Author is a multi document enviroment, we need to be able to drag things from one book to another
 * Book desktop - live background that has page elements. It consists of one page only.
 * Opened books tabbar - should represent menu with buttons for each opened book and show Desktop icon
 * Timeline management and editing - probably palettes, but where to put them? On bottom flap is the solution of Sophie 1.
 * Halo grouping - how to group halos because now we do have a lot of halos
 * Palette grouping - in which flap to put which palette? The Reader app should have some controls and should be with one or two flaps (left and bottom)
 * Menus - if there is really simple alternative that covers all of the functionality, we probably may leave the menus, but for now they are needed
 * Tooltips - almost each element will have one

= Comments =