Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 02/13/09 13:10:39
Table of Contents
RELEASE 2 pre-alpha-3
Release team working process
Tasks for testing
- These are the tasks.
- We should test the user visible tasks.
Urgent Goals
Before 2009-02-13 we need to achieve the following:
- product
- repository branching
- Gaining functionality needed for the second release as stated by the schedule
- tuning
- bugs to fix
- things to remove
- things to disable
- files to download
- final delivery
- documentation
- download page
- release documentation
- user documentation
- installation instructions
Download Page
Release Document
- released features:
- External
- Page object alignment - working as expected.
- Selecting multiple page objects - working as expected.
- Frame bounding properties, for example margins - padding works for image and media frames.
- Audio and video support - currently using JMF, which loads the whole resource into the memory, thus limitting the media size to the available memory to the java VM. Supporting .avi, .mov for video and .wav for audio.
- Undo manager - working as expected.
- Halos and huds - more halos and huds added.
- More menu support
- Internal
- Property thread safety - already available.
- Initial plugin support
- Page Template core support - added frame and page template support. Currently templates cannot be saved/loaded.
- Community server
- Build Server - available at
- External
User Documentation
- This should be the documentation for all features available in the released downloadable. This includes new features, old features and updates done to them. This way we could iteratively form the final user docs.
- Currently at ITERATION_04/Release/UserDocumentation
Installation Instructions
- installation instructions (MAC/Windows/Linux). Mac java tweaking instructions.
Always write where is the result of the task you completed. This would be the changeset with thorough commit comment for coding and a link to the wiki page for a document.
Repository Branching
The Branch was made - branches/release02-pre-alpha-3
Promised Features
- Selecting multiple page objects
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #282 BASE_MODEL_PAGE_ELEMENTS_R0 orliin closed planned_task BASE_BOOK_MODEL 3 1 #666 PAGE_ELEMENT_MULTI_SELECT_R0 peko closed planned_task PAGE_ELEMENTS 3 0.5 - Page object alignment
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #648 PAGE_ELEMENT_ALIGNING_R0 peko closed planned_task PAGE_ELEMENTS 3 0.5 - Frame bounding properties, for example margins
- Done(needs reviewing)
- Audio and video support - 1548, 1610, 1642, 1648, 1658
- Undo manager
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #155 PRO_CHANGE_UNDO_MANAGER_R0 gogov closed planned_task PRO_LIB_ENTITIES 3 1 #160 PRO_CHANGE_MANAGER_R0 peko closed planned_task PRO_LIB_ENTITIES 3 0.5 - Undo/Redo of the insert frame action now works without exeptions. 1557
- Undo/Redo of the move frame action works. 1559
- Create book action now is not undoable. 1562
- Undo/Redo of page resize action now works. 1563
- The book does not resize with it's title change action anymore. 1578
- There is now change when selecting the current frame anymore. 1594
- Undo/Redo text editing in text frames now works. 1603
- Fixed the "Redo" item in the edit menu to show "Can't redo" when the user can not redo an action. 1605
- Halos and huds
- Revisit
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #247 BASE_HALOS_R0 peko closed planned_task BASE_GUI_LIB 3 2 - huds should be fixed to repaint properly. - fixed 1354
- Fix the FrameHaloMenu
- Revisit
- remove some buttons - buttons for which no functionality is present - the functionality requires implementations which pointless because of time restrictions.
- removed frame shadow button and fixed the border and background hud - 1382
- fix some buttons so that they work properly.
- TextHaloMenu fixed => 1427
- Fix the PageHaloMenu
- add buttons for which functionality is already implemented.
- fix current buttons so that they work properly.
- Create a TextHaloMenu class that should work with the things implemented for texts.
- Fix is there are bugs about buttons, menus and huds.
- TextHaloMenu fixed => 1427
- General:
- Disabled some fields and check boxes, tried to fix the z-order but with no success - so removed the two buttons. Resize the Border and Background hud. => 1449
- More menu support
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #237 BASE_MENUS_R0 jordan closed planned_task BASE_GUI_LIB 3 0.5 #383 APP_BASIC_MENUS_R0 stefan closed planned_task APP_PLUGIN 3 0.5 - Property thread safety
- Initial plugin support
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #71 PLATFORM_DEPLOYMENT_BUILD_MAVEN_R1 pav closed planned_task SOPHIE_PLATFORM 3 1.5 #105 PLUGIN_MODULE_STRUCTURE_R1 pav closed planned_task PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE 3 2 #113 PLUGIN_SUPPORT_LIB_BASE_R1 pav closed planned_task PLUGIN_ARCHITECTURE 3 1 #401 APP_PLUGIN_MANAGER_ABOUT_R0 deyan closed planned_task APP_CONFIGURATION 3 0.5 - Page Template core support
Ticket Summary Owner Status Type Component Priority Effort #566 PAGE_TEMPLATE_BEHAVIOUR_R0 deyan closed planned_task BOOK_PAGES 3 1 #569 PAGE_TEMPLATES_LISTING_R0 deyan closed planned_task BOOK_PAGES 3 0.5 #694 FRAME_TEMPLATES_R0 tanya closed planned_task FRAMES 3 1 #699 FRAME_PROPERTY_LOCKING_R0 tanya closed planned_task FRAMES 3 0.5 - PAGE_TEMPLATE_BEHAVIOUR_R0
- Class Book
- Add pageTemplates() ValueListProperty which will hold all the page templates for the current Book.
- Class Page:
- Add templatedFrames() AutoListProperty, which will hold the frames owned by the template. For each frame X from the template, a new one should be added which has X as a frame template.
- Add ownFrames() ValueList which will hold the frames owned by the page.
- Change frames() to AutoListProperty which will be a concatenation of templateFrames() and ownFrames().
- Add template() ValueProperty which will be the template for the page.
- Add framesLocked() ValueProperty which will indicate if the frames are locked. When adding or removing a frame, a check should be made whether the frames are locked.
- Refactor background() and border() properties, like to the ones in FRAME_TEMPLATES_R0.
- Unit Test: branches/release02-pre-alpha-3/modules/
- Implementation: Changeset [1507], [1518], [1524], [1592], [1613]
- Class Book
- Changeset [1526]
- Build Server
- Done
Release Tuning
Bugs to Fix
- The application is not closable. Changeset [1550]
- There are lots of warnings.
- ImageFrameView does not display images. Fixed - Changeset [1496], [1502], [1503], [1556], [1573], [1602]
- The about dialog needs to be fixed. Fixed - Changeset [1528], [1589]
- Books are not closable. Fixed - Changset [1568], [1574]
- Books are not closable when there are more than 1 template in a palette. Fixed - Changeset [1571]
- Books can not be open. Fixed - Changeset [1612]
- Books can not be saved. Fixed - Changeset [1612]
Things to Remove
Things to Disable
Final Delivery
How to use the branch
- Update your working copy of the repository
- If you have the trunk project imported in Eclipse, change your workspace to a new one (for example "Release")
- Import as a "Maven project" from branches/release02-pre-alpha-3
- All your changes from now on will affect only the release branch
- We should prepare a good sample book.