Table of Contents
Release team working process
Tasks for testing
Urgent Goals
Before 2009-05-15 we need to achieve the following:
- product
- repository branching
- Gaining functionality needed for the fifth release as stated by the schedule
- tuning
- bugs to fix
- things to remove
- things to disable
- files to download
- final delivery
- documentation
- download page
- release documentation
- user documentation
- installation instructions
Download Page
Release Document
- Timelines
- Printing
- Page element grouping
- PDF Export
- Initial release of Sophie Reader and sample books.
User Documentation
- This should be the documentation for all features available in the released downloadable. This includes new features, old features and updates done to them. This way we could iteratively form the final user docs.
- Currently at ITERATION_08/Release/UserDocumentation
Installation Instructions
- installation instructions (MAC/Windows/Linux). Mac java tweaking instructions.
Always write where is the result of the task you completed. This would be the changeset with thorough commit comment for coding and a link to the wiki page for a document.
Repository Branching
Promised Features
- Timelines --boyan@2009-05-14 20:00 [2630]
- Book Template Editing
- Probably will not be available
- Sophie Book Importing
- Will not be available
- Printing
- Page element grouping
- PDF Export --tanya [2678] - exporting the whole book in a pdf file
- HTML Export
- Reader - [2634] ,[2689]-- pav
- the built scripts have to be edited - one more argument 'author' or 'reader' has to be added
- This release includes the initial release of Sophie Reader, as well as sample books.
Release Tuning
Fix the about dialog to be alpha-1--jani [2618]- Improving performance --gogov [2632]. These should go in the trunk also. (: Still trying to improve further more..
- Text styling. - [2556], [2562], [2584], [2617], [2628]
- Filling - [2608], [2612], [2613], [2614], [2635], [2714]
- Fullscreen - 2391, 2406, 2412, 2413, 2421, 2425, 2431#file13, 2431#file55, 2431#file56, 2431#file105, 2431#file106, 2440, 2442, 2448, 2453, 2454, 2455, 2457, 2460, 2461, 2477, 2478, 2486,2507, 2623
- Preview Mode: [2640], [2641], [2643], [2644], [2645].
- Persistence - [2581], [2600], [2601], [2615], [2636],[2638],[2646],[2647],[2653],[2669],[2679],[2680],[2709],[2712],[2727]
Bugs to Fix
When the close application dialog appears after pressing the x button, pressing no closes the application.--jani [2580]Editing when with the alternative skin does not work.- nenko [2588]The reader page work area is not clipping the frames outside of the page. - kyli [2639]The names of the books appearing in the tabbar are incorrect. The same is with the window menu items.--meddle fixed in [2570].The application is without title.--jani [2577]Using connections tab toggle button causes an unhandled exception.--jani [2576]- Inserting media (audio/video) has no working sound under linux in some cases - ask Pap. May be left out as a known issue.
- Some videos are not properly resized - ask pap.
The sound of the videos continues playing when the containing frame is deleted.--peko - fixed in the MEDIA_CONTROLS_R0 task. [2586]- branches/private/peko/sophie2-platform/modules/
- branches/private/peko/sophie2-platform/modules/
- some minnor changes in the JMFEngine to unregister Player upon media frame deletion.
- Switching between book windows doesn't work properly, often you can't select a book at all. - tanya/mitex --mitex this is fixed in the code in my branch, but we should be careful when merging other people's changes, because many of them have been working on the same code.
In the change palette the AutoChange descriptions are often bad like "closing global group".--meddle fixed in [2572], [2573].When moving down a frame in the book window and open some hud with big height, you can't scroll down enough to see its content.- vlado - [2708]- assembly plugin and script files fixed - pav - [2696], [2705], [2761]
Things to Remove
Things to Disable
Final Delivery
How to use the branch
This is not done yet
Update your working copy of the repository
- If you have the trunk project imported in Eclipse, change your workspace to a new one (for example "Release")
- Import as a "Maven project" from branches/release04-pre-alpha-5
- All your changes from now on will affect only the release branch
- We should prepare a good sample book.
Regarding meddle's fix in [2570], I had made a similar change in my branch for debugging purposes, [2683] which sequences the new book titles. Likely some conflicts now, but if you are interested, take a look (or i'll just nuke them when I sync back with the trunk. I just needed to know which button was controlling which book easier <g>) --sriggins