Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 08/14/09 17:35:53

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Known issues

This build of Sophie 2 is a pre-release build and consequently does not have much of the functionality of the full Sophie 2. The documentation explains which parts of Sophie 2 are not in this release. Some of these issues may be cleared up in the daily builds, available on the downloads page.

Known issues on all platforms

  • Changing skins may reset the positions of flaps and tabs in the interface.
  • Large text files may not import correctly.
  • Not all HTML will import correctly when imported as text.
  • All frames and pages currently have a 3-pixel blue border and are by default sized 280 x 210 pixels. This is not final behavior.
  • Inserting stickies currently causes a crash.
  • Text background is white by default.
  • Links may not always work correctly.
  • Pause button on audio and video doesn’t respond in preview.
  • When grouping, z-order is messed up (frames enter in the group in order of selection).
  • Padding works incorrectly - instead of making content smaller, it makes the frame bigger.
  • Book window maximize is incorrect sometimes (when it is not fully visible at the moment of maximization).

Mac issues

  • An error in the new skin obscures most of the font selection drop-down menu. Fonts can still be changed.
  • Currently, downloading a Sophie book in Safari may change the extension from .spbf to Remove the .zip suffix; the books will open normally in Sophie.
  • Browser frames do not work on Macs.
  • Audio recording does not work on Macs running Sophie using either SoyLatte/X11 or Apple Java 6.

Windows issues

  • Browser frames do not work on Windows.