Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 08/14/09 20:14:22
1.5. Keyboard shortcuts
A number of keyboard shortcuts currently exist in Sophie Author:
A note on conventions: control-a means to hold down the control and a keys at the same time. control-shift-a means to hold down the control, shift, and a keys at the same time.
- control-b does the same thing as File > Book Properties, showing properties information for the current book.
- control-c will copy the entire contents of a text frame to the clipboard if the cursor is inserted in a text frame.
- control-i does the same thing as Help > Inspector, showing the inspector (a developer tool).
- control-n does the same thing as File > New Book, creating a new Sophie book.
- control-o does the same thing as File > Open Book, opening a Sophie book.
- control-q does the same thing as File > Quit Sophie 2, quitting Sophie.
- control-s does the same thing as File > Save, saving the current Sophie book.
- control-shift-s does the same thing as File > Save As, saving the current Sophie book with a new name.
- control-v will paste the contents of the clipboard if the cursor is inserted in a text frame.
- control-x will cut the entire contents of a text frame to the clipboard if the cursor is inserted in a text frame.
- control-y does the same thing as Edit > Redo, redoing the last undone action, if there is one.
- control-z does the same thing as Edit > Undo, undoing the last action.
- F1 does the same thing as Help > Help Contents, showing help.
- F11 does the same thing as View > Fullscreen Mode, moving Sophie into full screen mode.
Shift-clicking another frame when one or more frames is already selected will add that frame to the selection.