Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 08/14/09 16:56:58

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8. Working with embedded books

An embedded book is a Sophie book that is used as a resource in another Sophie book. Embedded books can appear on the page of a parent Sophie book or in a separate window. Here's how an embedded book might look on a page when it's selected:


The blue border is the margin of the embedded book's page. This embedded book has multiple pages; in the lower left corner of the frame, there are controls that allow both authors and readers to flip through the pages of the book.

An embedded book can be manipulated like any other frame in Sophie. Note, however, that the content of the embedded book cannot be edited from the page on which it is embedded. If you open the embedded book up in its own window (as a regular book) changes made to that version of the book will also be made in the embedded book.

To embed a book in your current book, choose Insert > Book from the file menus and select the Sophie book that you want to embed on the current page.

All the books that are embedded in your current book will be listed in the Embedded Books palette in the Books tab on the left side.