Installing Sophie on Macs
Sophie should run without any trouble on any Mac running Snow Leopard, which installs Java 6. If you're not yet running Snow Leopard, there may be difference between 32-bit (generally older) and 64-bit (generally newer) Macs: 32-bit Macs don't have Java 6, and 64-bit Macs running Leopard have Java 6, but it may not be the default. If you're having trouble getting Sophie to run on one of these computers, you might try these instructions.
Instructions for older Macs without Snow Leopard
Older Intel-based Macs (with 32-bit processors) that are not running Snow Leopard (OS 10.6) don't have Java 6 installed. This release is dependent upon Java 6; future releases will solve this incompatibility. However, Sophie 2 can be run on these machines if X11 is installed by installing SoyLatte, an open source version of Java 6. This is not the optimal way to run Sophie and we recommend upgrading to Snow Leopard if possible. But if you'd like to run Sophie 2 on these computers:
- Go here to download SoyLatte; read the instructions there.
- Unzip the SoyLatte zip file.
- Open Terminal and move the SoyLatte directory to /usr/bin/: mv soylatte16-i386-1.0.3 /usr/bin/.
- You may need to add the following to your .profile file to add SoyLatte to your path and to set the JAVA_HOME variable:
export PATH=/usr/local/soylatte16-i386-1.0.3/bin:$PATH; export PATH=/usr/local/apache-maven-2.1.0/bin:$PATH; export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH; export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/soylatte16-i386-1.0.3;
- Unzip the application files by double clicking and .
- Open Sophie 2 Author to run Sophie Author; open Sophie 2 Reader to run Sophie Reader. These application files can be moved to wherever you'd like them to be.
Please note that this is not the optimal way to run Sophie; we don't do a lot of testing on X11-based Sophie on a Mac because we presume not many users are using this.
Instructions for 64-bit Macs without Snow Leopard
If you're running a newer (64-bit) Mac but not using Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), it may be necessary to make sure that you're using Java 6 before trying to start Sophie:
- Open the application Java Preferences in /Applications/Utilities/Java/ and in the applications subpanel, drag Java SE 6 to the top:
- Unzip the application files by double clicking and .
- Open Sophie2Author to run Sophie Author; open Sophie2Reader to run Sophie Reader. These application files can be moved to wherever you'd like them to be.