1.5. Running Sophie online
With this release of Sophie, you can try out demonstration versions of Sophie running online in two different ways. Please note that these are for demonstration purposes only, and may not work entirely.
Running Sophie as an applet
A demonstration version of Sophie Reader running as an applet in a web page can be found here, and Sophie Author here. Please use caution when trying these out: this has been crashing browsers, and may not work on all systems yet.
Running Sophie as a Java Web Start application
To try running Sophie Author as a Java Web Start application, go here and click on sophie2author.jnlp. This should start the Sophie 2 Author application; you may have to wait a long time (around ten minutes) for it to start, so give it some time.
Note that Safari on a Mac is not set up to automatically run Java Web Start applications: the file will be downloaded, and you need to double-click on it to start it. (For instructions on configuring Safari to automatically run JWS applications, click here.)