1.2. Halos and HUDs
Interacting with Sophie is done with halos and HUDs. Halos are little icons that show up around things in Sophie when you select them. They stay on the screen until you click somewhere else in Sophie. Generally, these halos can be clicked to open a HUD; a few work slightly differently. HUD is short for head-up display. It’s a little window that opens up showing you different things that you can do with whatever you have selected. You can drag a HUD around by clicking on its background and dragging.
Halos are context-specific, and selecting different things in Sophie reveals different kids of halos. Selecting a page reveals the page halos; selecting a frame reveals frame halos; selecting multiple frames reveals the multiple frame halos; and inserting a cursor in text reveals the text halos.
There are a few other halos with very specific meanings: halos appear, for example, for comment frames and browser frames. Those halos are discussed in the sections of the documentation about those things.
1.2.1. Page halos
1.2.2. Frame halos
1.2.3. Multiple frame halos
1.2.4. Text halos