3.2. Setting borders and fills
In this release of Sophie, borders and fills can be set on frames by clicking on the frame appearance halo to open the frame appearance HUD, which looks like this:
The border of the frame can be set in the middle part of this HUD; entering a value in the border field will set the border to that width on all sides. If you want to change the width of the border individually on any of the frame's sides, click the blue arrows to see the options for borders:
Here values can be entered for the width of the top, bottom, left, and right borders of the frame. You can also set the opacity or transparency of the border with the opacity slider. Move the slider all the way to the right for the border to be completely opaque or all the way to the left for the border to be completely transparent.
The color of the border and the color of the fill of the frame can be set by clicking the color square, which will open the color picker:
Clicking save will save the current color to one of the ten color squares beneath the color spectrum; you can then use the saved colors on other borders or fills. Click the color square in the border & fill HUD when you've picked the color you want.
Clicking on the color square when gradient is selected will open the gradient picker, allowing you to use a gradient as your fill:
You can also use the image fill and pattern fill. Clicking on the squares next to these will prompt you to find an image on your local computer. Image fill will stretch the image so that it fills the frame entirely. Pattern fill will repeat the image (from the top left corner of the frame) as many times as it fits in the frame. Note that images used for image or pattern fill can include transparency.
The opacity slider lets you choose how opaque or transparent your image is. When the slider is all the way to the right (at 100), the background of the frame is completely opaque; when it's all the way to the left (at 0), the background of the frame is completely transparent.
If you uncheck the Visibility setting in this HUD, the frame will not appear when the book is previewed or in the reader application. In regular authoring mode, it will appear semi-transparent; it can still be manipulated like a normal frame.