Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 12/01/09 03:23:28

3.3. Using frame templates

Frame templates are a way of saving the styles you've given to a frame so that you can use it on another frame. For example, you might set a frame to have a red background, a blue border, and to have the size 50 pixels by 50 pixels; you could save that frame as a frame template, then make another frame look exactly the same way by applying the saved frame template to a new frame. Frame templates can contain all or some of the original frame's attributes.

Currently, you can't directly copy and paste frames in Sophie; however, frame templates provide the same functionality with a different method.

Creating a frame template

To make a frame template, make changes to the frame, then click the + page halo to save the frame as a frame template. A window will appear asking which aspects of the page you want to save as a frame template:


All properties are chosen by default. Choose which you want to use; when you're sure, click Add. Be careful with the location and size properties: often you will want to use frame templates for frames that are different sizes and places than the frame you're creating the template from. The frame template you've just created will appear in the frame templates palette in the library tab:


This screenshot shows a single selected frame templates. You can have as many frame templates in a book as you want.

Applying a frame template

To apply a page template, go to the page to which you want to apply the frame template. Go to the frame templates palette in the library tab; choose the frame template that you want to use, then double-click it. The page template should be applied to your page. Be careful: applying a frame template may undo changes that you've made to the frame.