5.1. Adding resources to Sophie books
In this release of Sophie, to add media to a book you should use the Insert menu item. Clicking Insert reveals a number of options: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Audio Record, Book, PDF, HTML, Plain Text, RTF, Comment and Browser:
If you select Image, Audio, Video, PDF, RTF, Plain Text, HTML, or Book, you'll be prompted to locate an appropriate file on your computer; when a file is selected, it will be imported into the Sophie book that's currently in focus. Insert > Audio Record allows you to record audio; to learn about that, go here. Insert > Browser will insert a browser frame, which displays a frame in which a browser shows a specific URL; learn more about that here. Insert > Comment will insert a comment frame, which can be used by readers of the book to add their own comments; learn more about that here.
The types of media that Sophie currently supports are:
- Images: JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF
- Video: AVI, MOV
- Audio: WAV, MP3
- Text: PDF, plain text (.txt), RTF, HTML
A complete list of the audio/video formats that Sophie supports can be found here. Note that not all media types that will eventually be supported by Sophie are functioning in this release. When a PDFs is imported, the first page will be shown by default; the reader can use page-turning buttons to view other pages of the PDF. Importing text files (RTF, plain text, or HTML) creates a new text frame with the imported file; to learn more about importing text, go here.
When media is imported into Sophie, it is displayed in the resources palette of the resources tab in the right flap; there, it can be filtered by media type. It can also be dragged from the resources palette to another page of the Sophie book. When a frame is deleted from the page of a Sophie book, the resource is not deleted: it remains in the resources, where it can be used again.