7. Working with pages
This section of the documentation explains how pages work in Sophie books.
Every Sophie book has at least one page. More pages can be added to a book by using the buttons at the bottom of the page preview palette, which appears in the pages tab in the left flap:
The page preview palette shows thumbnails of all the pages in the current book. Double-click on the thumbnail of a page to select it. Above the pages are three buttons: from left to right, they are Add Page Before to add a page before the currently selected page; Add Page After, to add a page after the selected page, and Delete Page to delete the currently selected page.
In the current release of Sophie, pressing the right page-turning arrow in the status bar of a book will add a new page to the book. This is temporary functionality and will be removed in later versions of Sophie 2.
The left and right arrow keys in the book status bar can be used to navigate between pages of a book; entering a page number in the page number field will turn to that page.
7.1. Using page templates