Last modified 17 years ago
Last modified on 09/23/08 15:41:00
An analysis should provide all needed information and clear description what has to be done.
Task requirements
You have to:
- list the requirements for creating analysis for tasks. An analysis should contain:
- brief overview of the task
- what has to be done
- example how to be done
- overview of the whole task but strict analysis of the current revision
- other requirements...
- analysis should be done at least one sprint before
- the analysis has to be made by one developer and one QA
- notice what the results of an analysis are
- make analysis template and give at least two examples of good analysis
- point where to keep the analysis (wiki page with the task and the current revision for example)
Task result
The result of this task must be analysis template.
Implementation idea
Create wiki page template that can be pasted directly.
How to demo
Show the wiki page and discuss the template with others.
Analysis can be kept in the task page in each iteration in section Analysis. We should think about global section platform standards (and other?) docs which has links to the sections of the task phases. Create a document here which has the following content:
- strict analysis requirements
- where to make the analysis (in task page for current revision, section Analysis)
- who has to make the analysis (QA and Developer)
- analysis templates
- good and useful examples (team discussion which of the analyzes are the best)
How to write analysis:
- The purpose of the analysis is to give as much as possible of the needed information for designing and implementing the task.
- The analysis of the first revision of each task should contain a brief overview of the whole task.
- Think well about the task! You should figure out very well what the aim (result) of the task should be and how to be reached.
- List the main features that have to be present in the final result of the task. These are used later to verify the design and implementation.
- Stick to the current revision of the task, but keep an eye to the whole task progress, and stay alert for possible smells.
- It is strongly recommended to discuss unclear aspects of the task with other team members.
- It is advisable to include some rough implementations ideas.
- Analyses must be kept in the task's page in chapter called Analysis.
- Every analysis must be made by one developer and one QA, and reviewed by other developer/QA.
- You can use PageTemplates/TaskPageTemplate#Analysis wiki page template for your analysis.
- Example for analysis that meets the requirements is GLOBAL_SPEC_STRUCTURE_R0