Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 12/22/08 11:36:12
Sophie 2.0 consists of three editions(plug-in sets):
- org.sophie2.reader
- org.sophie2.server
Each edition is runnable through:
- Eclipse, using some fake classes that simulate plug-in behavior
- Apache Felix OSGI implementation.
Every edition has the following structure:
- / - main application catalog
- /modules/ - containes plug-ins(in the form of jar-files or unpacked jar-files) that are/can be used in this edition
- /conf/ - contains plug-ins configuration files and global configuration files
- /log/ - contains application log(s)
- /data/ - contains mutable resources(i.e book templates).
- run-files
At this time each edition has its own module. It is responsible for loading the correct set of plug-ins.
- Currently there is still no Reader edition amd the structure is not as described. Should be fixed in the next revision. --boyan@2008-22-12