Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 02/17/10 11:11:44
All palettes
Palettes now appear with equal size depending on how many are they in a tab.
- Allow palettes to have different relative size1 (some palettes need to be taller) (2)
- Palettes that need to be taller (2)
- Page preview palette
- Server resources
- Plugins
- Open books
- Resources
List palettes
- List palettes should have an indication that something is about to be dropped (2)
- A green line between list elements will be fine
- List palettes should support icons + text (1)
- Icons should be with different sizes
- Text should be right of the icons
- List palettes should support some padding (1)
- List palettes should have (complex) separators
- Separators should be list element that support drag and drop, but are with different height (1)
- Separators should have title (1)
- Some separators should have icon that collapses/expands the list to the next separator (2)
Specific palettes
- All resources palette
- Should be taller than details palette(2)
- Should have specific icons for each supported resource type (1)
- Should have icon that should linked resources (2)
- Should have separators for different resource types (2)
- Separators should be collapsable (see above) (2)
1 For example, if the default relative height of a palette is height some palettes need to be 2*height tall. This means that this palette will be as tall as 2 normal palettes
(1) Should be done first
(2) Should be done after (1)
(787.1 KB) -
added by deyan 15 years ago.
Example of how palettes may look
- Templates1.png (108.1 KB) - added by deyan 15 years ago.