Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 07/07/10 12:05:03
- Update help (optional)
- Export the contents from svn:// .
- Use the HelpGenerator tool from the manage/dev-tools/help in the repository to generate ToC - use absolute paths.
- Use the jhelpdev tool to generate search index. First fix the project file (the location of the help files). Use the "Create all" button.
- Run HelpGenerator again.
- Delete old help dirs from the module in the src/main/resources/distrib/help .
- Commit the deletion.
- Copy new help files in the same place.
- Commit.
- Help update is complete.
- Update version
- Stop automatic project building in eclipse (Project->build automatically).
- Search in all pom.xml files for the string "<version>2.[major].[minor]</version>" where major and minor are the appropriate numbers of the new version. There should be no results.
- Search and replace the same string with the old version with the same with the new version.
- Perform a maven_build in the terminal.
- Enable automatic project buildingin eclipse.
- Open and fix the constants with the sophie2 version and build-id. The last number in the build-id is the next revision of the repository.
- Open all subclasses of Launcher and fix the "getBundleLocation" method if it depends on the version number.
- Open the and fix versions.
- Open resource_book.jspx and change the applet codebase (just change the version number).
- If the version of the org.sophie2.launcher module should be changed, then the shell scripts, windows executables, MacOS info.plist files and applet and JWS launch files should also be chnaged.
- Commit the changes.
- Version update is complete.
- Build release
- In the sophie2-platform directory perform a maven_build .
- in the sophie2-platform/modules/org.sophie2.server.webui directory perform a maven_build .
- In the sophie2-platform execute the release shell script.
- Copy modules/*zip files to a directory with the release.
- Copy modules/ directory to the directory with the release.
- Building is complete - the results are in the abovementioned directory.
- Upload release to servers
- Copy the release directory to
- On copy the contents of the release direcotry to /var/www/downloads .(Appropriate permissions on the server are needed.)
- Now files can be downloaded and the installers should be working.
- Update JavaWebStart and applet
- Copy to /var/www/sophie2-reader-applet/, /var/www/sophie2-reader-jws/ and /var/www/sophie2-author-jws and unzip them
- For JWS copy the contents of the sophie-version/modules to modules and delete the files for the old version. Replace the org.sophie2.launcher-version.jar and if needed fix the jnlp files.
- For the applet copy the directory /var/www/sophie2-reader-applet/[old-version-number] to /var/www/sophie2-reader-applet/[new-version-number] and replace the files in the reader/modules directory. Replace the org.sophie2.launcher-verion-number.jar and fix the index.html file.
- Update wiki page
- Copy the current Downloads page to Downloads/SophieX.X.X
- In Downloads/SophieX.X.X replace "The current release is" with "This is an old release"
- In Downloads page replace all version numbers with current version numbers (including the filenames)
- In Downloads page replace the build number with current build numbers
- In New features and fixes put the new features and fixes based on their impact. You can get them from the timeline, checking tickets with changed "implementation_score" for the period from the last release
- In Known issues remove obsolete bullets, if any, depending on fixes from previous point
- In Known issues add lines for known issues with high impact
- Check some download files to be sure that links work
- Update users web site
- ToBeDone