File | File Menu | File Menu (Alt-F)
New Book | Create a new book | Create a new book
Open Book... | Open an existing book | Open an existing book
Close | ? | Close the current book
Save | Save the current book | Save the changes made to the current book
Save As... | Save the current book with a new name | Save the current book with a new name
Save As Template | Save the current book as a book template | Save the current book as a book template
Export Book As | ? | Export the book to other file formats
PDF... | ? | Export the book as a PDF
HTML... | ? | Export the book as a webpage
Print... | ? | Print the book
Book Properties... | ? | Edit the current book's title and dimensions
Quit | ? | Exit Sophie
Edit | Edit Menu | Edit Menu (Alt-E)
Undo | ? | Undo the last action
Redo | ? | Redo the last undone action
Cut | ? | Move the selected element to another location by pasting
Copy | ? | Copy the selected element to another location by pasting
Paste | ? | Put the last copied/cut element to selected location
Delete | ? | Remove the selected element from its current location
Insert | Insert Menu | Insert Menu (Alt-E)
Text | ? | Add an empty text frame to the current page
Image... | ? | Add an image file to the current page
Audio... | ? | Add an audio file to the current page
Audio Record... | ? | Record audio and add it to the current page
Video... | ? | Add a video file to the current page
Book... | ? | Add a Sophie book to the current page
PDF... | ? | Add a PDF to the current page
HTML... | ? | Import HTML content into a frame on the current page
Plain text... | ? | Import plain text into a frame on the current page
Browser | ? | Insert a browser frame on the current page
Script | ? | Create a new script in this book
Script file... | ? | Attach a script created outside of Sophie to this book
View | View Menu | View Menu (Alt-V)
Normal mode | ? | Use Sophie in a window
Full screen mode | ? | Use Sophie in full-screen mode
Skins | Skins Menu | Skins Menu (Alt-S)
Window | Window Menu | Window Menu (Alt-W)
Cascade | ? | Stack the book windows so that each title bar is visible
Tile | ? | Arrange the book windows so they are shown side by side
Book Window Item | ? | Book Title
Help | Help Menu | Help Menu (Alt-H)
Help Contents | ? | Display the main help index
Send an Error Report | ? | Report problems related to application use to the Sophie developers
About | ? | Show version and license information
Books | ? | The books tab lists open books as well as embedded books in the current book
Book item in Opened books palette | ? | Book name: double-click to switch to this book
Book item in Embedded books palette | ? | Book name: double-click to open this embedded book in a new window
Pages | ? | The pages tab shows thumbnails of your book
Page item | ? | Click to go to this page; drag to reorder; drag a page template here to change the page template
Tools | ? | The tools tab allows you to search the content of your book
Search Field | ? | Enter text to search
Config | ? | The config tab allows you to set up and configure the Sophie application
Plugin item | ? | Name of the plugin
Enable button | ? | Enable the selected plugin
Disable button | ? | Disable the selected plugin: plugins dependent on this one will also be disabled
Servers | ? | The servers tab allows you to connect to Sophie Servers
Server item | ? | Server Name
Toggle selected button | ? | Connect or disconnect from the currently selected server
Refresh button | ? | Refresh the list of books on the current server
Resources | ? | This tab shows resources in your book
Copy | ? | Duplicate this resource
Delete | ? | Remove this resource
Changes | ? | This palette shows the history of actions that have been performed on the current book
Library | ? | This tab shows book templates, page templates, and frame templates
Frame template item | ? | Double-click to apply to the currently selected frame, or drag to the page to create a new frame
Page template item | ? | Double-click to apply to the current page, or drag to the page preview palette to create a new page
Book template item | ? | Double-click to create a new book from the template, or drag to the page to create a new embedded book
Book Extras | ? | This tab allows readers to add annotations to the book
Add Sticky | ? | Add a sticky note to the current page
Styles | ? | This tab shows paragraph and character styles
Timelines | ? | Show timeline controls
Zoom panel | ? | Zoom in or out to see less or more of the book window (Ctrl-+/Ctrl--/Ctrl+*)
Page selector go to prev page | ? | Go to the previous page (PgUp)
Page selector go to next page | ? | Go to the next page (PgDown)
Page selector text field | ? | The current page number; type in another number to go to that page
Search text field | ? | Enter the text to search for
Search prev | ? | Go to the previous search result
Search next | ? | Go to the next search result
Outline frames | ? | Show frame bounds (border, margins and padding)
Open preview | ? | Open a preview of this book to see how it will appear to the reader
FramePropertiesHalo | ? | The frame properties HUD lets you edit the size, position, and orientation of the frame
FrameAppearanceHalo | ? | The frame appearance HUD lets you control frame borders and fills
Increase z-order halo | ? | Move this frame forward
Decrease z-order halo | ? | Move this frame backward
LinkHalo | ? | Add or edit links on this frame
DeleteHalo | ? | Delete this frame from the page
GroupHalo | ? | Create a group of the selected frames so they can be manipulated together
UngroupHalo | ? | Ungroup this group so that the frames can be edited separately
AlignHalo | ? | Align these frames together
EnterGroupHalo | ? | Start editing the objects inside the group as they were not grouped
ExitGroupHalo | ? | Stop editing the frames inside this group
CharacterHalo | ? | Change the character styles for selected text
PararaphHalos | ? | Change the paragraph settings of this paragraph
Content control halo (for video, audion, pdf, etc) | ? | Content - Edit preview options such as frame controllers
AnchorHalo | ? | Click to show text anchoring options, or drag to anchor
RotateHalo | ? | Click to show orientation options, or drag to rotate
ChainingHalo | ? | Click to show chaining options, or drag to another frame to chain to that frame