Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 10/28/09 09:38:21
- Frame names same as resource, without extension
- Zoom levels
- Skin tooltips and titles everywhere
- Drag from resources palette - link on same book(default), copy on other book
- When opening a book template, frames are not visible. But when embedding the same template, they are. Why?
- Delete template from the library
- If size is templated, it would be nice drop to actually put the template at it's desired size
- Adding a child as a template should offer overwriting it's template (not only the template prototype)
- Make global frame and page templates
- Optional - add a "Next page template" dropdown to choose from a list of existing template with an item [This template]
- Fix the exception thrown on adding a child object as a template
- Use thumbnails for frame and page templates
- Create template editor
- Book desktop has no frame templates?
- In New book dialog, add a template dropdown