Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 10/13/09 14:41:48

Status: s1b_analysis_finished (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Owner Status Milestone Component Priority Effort Importance Modified
#2553 When page template is applied, frames share the same content bug s1b_analysis_finished Y1 PAGE_ELEMENTS major 13 years
#2552 [html] Incorrect page positions bug s1b_analysis_finished Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2563 [html] The app crashes due to low memory while browsing a book bug s1b_analysis_finished Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2571 [ipad-app] Research the reason for the downloading bar progress bug s1b_analysis_finished Y1 uncategorized major 13 years

Status: s3c_implementation_ok (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Owner Status Milestone Component Priority Effort Importance Modified
#2538 Colors not saved properly when using Java7 bug meddle s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2535 [ipad-app] Client crashes when the book http address is misspelled bug mira s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2543 [ipad-app] Add library dialog tweaks bug s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2546 [ipad-app] Dialogs appear erratically bug s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2547 [ipad-app] There's a gray line in the leftmost side of the reader bug s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2550 [ipad-app] Several bugs bug s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2556 [html] Text tabulation fix bug antoni s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2560 QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR on ipad bug meddle s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized major 13 years
#2567 [html] Bottom bar is hidden when console is displayed bug tancheto s3c_implementation_ok Y1 uncategorized minor 13 years