Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 04/14/09 23:51:45

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compressed data is corrupt

(Sample documentation structure to start Sophie documentation with. Each numbered item will become a page in the wiki. See also UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_STRUCTURE/StyleGuide, the style guide for how user documentation should be created. This was created as part of UNPLANNED_USER_DOC_STRUCTURE_R0.)

Sophie Documentation

1. Release notes

2. Working with Sophie

2.1. Sophie’s interface

2.2. Halos and HUDs

2.3. Flaps, tabs, and palettes

2.4. The menu bars

2.5. Keyboard shortcuts

2.6. Special keyboard interactions

2.7. Book windows

2.8. Test mode

3. Working with books

3.1. Making a new book

3.2. Using book templates

3.3. Making book templates

4. Working with frames

4.1. Changing the size and position of a frame

4.2. Setting borders and fills

4.3. Making links with the link halo

4.4. Multiple selection and aligning frames

4.5. Setting margins and padding

5. Working with text

5.1. Using the character halo

5.2. Using the paragraph halo

5.3. Using paragraph styles

5.4. Using the link halo

5.5. Searching text

5.6. Using the spellchecker

5.7. Using multiple flows

6. Working with media

6.1. Adding resources to Sophie

6.2. Using time-based media

7.1. Using the link HUD

7.2. The different kinds of link triggers

7.3. The different kinds of link actions

7.4. The third field of the link HUD

8. Working with pages

8.1. Using page templates

8.2. Using the page structure palette

9. Working with embedded books

9.1. Creating embedded books

9.2. Displaying embedded books

10. Working with timelines

10.1. The timeline interface

10.2. Kinds of timelines

10.3. Using single-page timelines

10.4. Using multiple-page timelines

10.5. Controlling timelines

11. Working with Sophie Server

11.1. Using remote objects

11.2. Comment frames

12. Working with reader annotations

12.1. Using stickies

12.2. Using the highlighter

13. Publishing & Sophie Reader

13.1. Publishing

13.2. Sophie Reader

Anticipated Changes

Sophie Server and Sophie reader will receive their own documentation as they become finished products.