Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 07/21/09 17:45:52

Weekly Status Report


  • The main goal of this status report is to make aware what you team has done during the past week and what will it do in the next one. In order to do so here is suggestion how this report could look like.

Report Structure

  • Team members: Describe with developers ids which exactly are your team members
  • Availability: Point out the human-hours of the entire team as well as the availability of each team member if its out of the usual
  • Backlog check: Describe witch developers have filled the backlog
  • Impediments: If any team member has any please share this (if any)
  • How to fix impediments: Suggestions on how to fix the things that bother your team members (if any)
  • Daily reports: Check if every team members have field their daily reports
  • Tasks: This is the most important section of the report. Describe what is the status of your declared tasks
    • Declared: What task were declared by your team for the previous week
    • Finished: What task were finished (im_ok status) during last week
    • Status: What is the status of ALL the task you team has worked on as well as description of your progress on them
  • Next week tasks: What are the task that your team will do in the next week
  • Notes: Any notes about everything that could be important (known unavailability, vacation, comments etc.)


Team members: dev1, dev2, dev3, dev4, dev5

Backlog check:
	All members have filled the backlog.
	Not well structured data model for TASK1 - fixed
How to fix impediments:
	Spend X hours to fix this class although it's not part of the task.
Daily reports:
	All members have submitted their daily reports. Except dev1 for some_date
		TASK_NAME (if any),
		ISSUE_DESCRIPTION(resources, connectivity etc.) - current description
		TASK_NAME5 - new; description of the status
		TASK_NAME6 - new; description of the status
		TASK_NAME7 - im_st; description of the status
		TASK_NAME8 - de_st; description of the status
Next week:
	TASK_NAME (if any),
	ISSUE_DESCRIPTION(resources, connectivity etc.) - current description
	dev1 - unavailable for 08.03 and 08.04(two days not sure about that), 08.05 - 07.08; 08.14 
	dev4 - unavailable for 08.03(one day) ;08.14 (one day)


  • The analysis person in each team should help the team leader to collect and store the data for this report, but its team leader responsibility to ensure that this data is correct and serves the goal of this report even if its not done by the description above.
