Ticket #2165 (closed unplanned_task: obsolete)
Reported by: | tsachev | Owned by: | tsachev |
Priority: | critical | Milestone: | X3 |
Component: | SOPHIE_END_PRODUCT | Version: | 2.0 |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Category: | unknown | Effort: | |
Importance: | 88 | Ticket_group: | |
Estimated Number of Hours: | 0 | Add Hours to Ticket: | 0 |
Billable?: | yes | Total Hours: | 0 |
Analysis_owners: | tsachev, deyan | Design_owners: | |
Imp._owners: | Test_owners: | ||
Analysis_reviewers: | Changelog: | ||
Design_reviewers: | pap | Imp._reviewers: | pap |
Test_reviewers: | Analysis_score: | 0 | |
Design_score: | 3.5 | Imp._score: | 3.5 |
Test_score: | 0 |
Description (last modified by deyan) (diff)
To make smaller distributions for different platforms/architectures.
- Research and remove the following if possible:
- modules/org.sophie2.extra.func.browser-2.0
- modules/org.sophie2.base.natlib-2.0/distrib/natives
- linux64, mac32i, win32 for the linux32 archive
- linux32, mac32i, win32 for the linux64 archive
- linux32, linux64, win32 for the mac archive
- linux32, linux64, mac32i, for the win32 archive
- Server specific modules for author and reader archives
- Author specifics for the reader archive
- Reader specifics for the author archive
Change History
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by deyan
- Priority changed from major to critical
Batch update from file 0911261.csv
comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by deyan
- Owner changed from tsachev to deyan
- Status changed from new to s1a_analysis_started
comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by deyan
- Status changed from s1a_analysis_started to s1b_analysis_finished
comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by tsachev
- Status changed from s1b_analysis_finished to s1c_analysis_ok
comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by tsachev
- Owner changed from deyan to tsachev
- Status changed from s1c_analysis_ok to s2a_design_started
comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by tsachev
- Status changed from s2a_design_started to s2b_design_finished
- all assmbling and packaging moved in dev module.
- Create components for different parts of the platform and descriptors with the needed combinations.
- components are in src/assembly/components
- descriptors are in src/assembly/descriptors
- resulting zips are created in put in the target folder and are named sophie-2.0-{edition}-{arch}.zip
- Create single web based installer.
- configurations in /src/izpack
- staging area is /target/staging
- packs dir is /target/packs - These are the needed files.
- common files for assembly and izpack are in src/install
- Some changes was need in launcher to use platform specific artifacts.
- Now there is a Luancher class which is instantiated and configured by every main (applet, jnlp, standard).
- release packaging goals in separate profile activated by -Dsophie2_release property
- in the sophie2-platform there is a file called release which contains a script executing the needed command for creating packages. If you need 'mvn clean install' just pass doInstall parameter when calling the release script.
comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by tsachev
- Status changed from s2c_design_ok to s3a_implementation_started
comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by tsachev
- Status changed from s3a_implementation_started to s3b_implementation_finished
comment:14 Changed 15 years ago by pap
- Status changed from s3b_implementation_finished to s3c_implementation_ok
- Design_score changed from 0 to 3.5
- Design_reviewers set to pap
- Imp._score changed from 0 to 3.5
- Imp._reviewers set to pap
- sophie-2.0-all should be sophie-2.0-platform
- The shell script is nice.
- The installer was not configured for where it should be deployed.
- There is no info in the ticket how to deploy the installer (as it is changed to web installer)
- It would be nice if you proposed the design first and then the implementation :)
- Commited to trunk in [8304].
comment:15 Changed 13 years ago by meddle
- Status changed from s3c_implementation_ok to closed
- Resolution set to obsolete
Closing all the tickets before M Y1
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Batch update from file report_1.csv