Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 01/27/09 15:58:41

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt



File dialog kinds are open book, save book, insert image, insert media and book properties dialog. This task is to to revise what is done until now and modularize it.

Task requirements

  • review the current source code written for file dialogs
  • separate them in new module
  • provide extensions to the base.dialogs extension point
  • if there is time left write tests and run the current tests

Task result

  • module with file dialogs and their source code

Implementation idea

  • write dependancies for the new created module


How to demo

  • Show the new module, the source code and run some tests if there is any.
  • Show the file dialogs.


  • File related things need to be extracted in a separate module. They are dependent on Views. Views are the most dependent part of the application. So view (app, book etc...) , layout, halos, hud, logics, boundcontrols, dialogs, menus utils and other things in messy should be separated in a module.
  • FileMenu and MenuItems in it should be extracted in a module, dependent on latter.
    • It should provide extensions for the View, in order to be loaded as a plugin.
    • The module => org.sophie2.main.menus.file should contain:
      • FileMenu, MenuItems in the FileMenu.
      • Dialogs are impossible to be separated from the view module and put in the File module since:
        • Logics invoke Dialgos
        • Logics and View are tightly connected - the correlation between Logics and View is two-directional.
        • File things should be dependent on View and NOT vice versa.
        • So if Dialogs are in the File module but the Logics are in the View module, invoking Dialogs from the Logics will need a dependency which is NOT appropriate.
      • Extension point for the FileMenu in the AppView will be added.
      • FileMenu will be an extension created by a FileMenuProvider.
      • FileMenu will have an extension point for the MenuItems
      • MenuItems will be extension of the FileMenu.
      • MenuItemProviders should be implemented.

Note: Things that can be done now - because it has consumed the effort up to now

  • Divide the Dialogs from their Input.
  • Provide a module containing only Inputs.
    • The org.sophie2.main.view will depend on the DialogManager and the input module to invoke dialogs (they are invoked by the Logics in the view).
    • The dialogs will be separated in a module.
    • The view will be dependent on the dialogs module.
    • The dialogs module will be dependent on the input and the base.dialogs module.
  • Better idea for the file module is not to be a separate module BUT a package named 'file' in the org.sophie2.main.menus module.
    • This way all basic menus will be put in the module.
    • Menus will be dependent on the View and will be separated from it.

Here is dependancy schema: source:/trunk/sophie2-platform/modules/org.sophie2.func.file/doc/APP_FILE_DIALOGS_R0_dependencies.png

If done the things above will help later for the basic menus and other dialog, menus things in other revisions. Provide a clear diagram of what depends on what because things are getting complicated.


Implemented according to the dependency diagram:

  • Created new modules org.sophie2.func.file and org.sophie2.main.dialogs.input
  • Moved FileDialog to the func.file module
  • Extracted all inner static Input classes form main.view.dialogs to main.dialogs.input module
  • Refactored the code according to the new dependencies and changes
  • BookPropertiesDialog will be left for the next revision:
    • It depends on books and book resources that will be changed in the BASE_RESOURCE_COMMONS_R0 task.
    • It will lead to massive refactoring - there is no time for that at the current revision

Here are the changes: BASE_RESOURCE_COMMONS_R0 (accidentaly commited from pap's account instead of boyan's.


User documentation


Release documentation

(dialogues appear when commands are run by the author.)

Manual tests


Main tests

Testlink test ids: 510

Related tests

Testlink test ids: (none so far)

Reported bugs

(none so far)


This test will have to change as more dialogues are added to Sophie.


Error: Macro Include(wiki:APP_FILE_DIALOGS_R0_LOG) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block