Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 06/10/09 11:29:58

Error: Macro BackLinksMenu(None) failed
compressed data is corrupt

Error: Macro TicketQuery(summary=AUDIO_RECORDING_R0, format=table, col=summary|owner|status|type|component|priority|effort|importance, rows=description|analysis_owners|analysis_reviewers|analysis_score|design_owners|design_reviewers|design_score|implementation_owners|implementation_reviewers|implementation_score|test_owners|test_reviewers|test_score|) failed
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block



Audio recording allows the user to record audio, which is then stored as an audio resource in the book. This could be done with a dialogue that is invoked from the menu bars..

Task requirements

  • User should select recording mode by selecting Insert > Insert Audio Recording from the menus.
  • User should be able to start recording (by pressing record button).
  • User should be able to stop recording (by pressing stop button).
  • When recording has been stopped, the recording should be added to the resources as a WAV with the date and time as its name.

Task result

Source code.

Implementation idea

  • Audio recording should be implementing using the Java Media Framework library.
  • The existing framework in should be used for registering audio records.
  • The existing framework in should be used for manipulating audio record objects.



How to demo

Make a new Sophie book, start recording, record audio, stop recording. Put audio of the recording on the page and play it back.


  • Implementation should follow the class diagram below:


  • An example of audio capture with JMF can be seen at (Example 5-4)
  • To record data successfully on different platforms the capture device should be set to "javasound://" like this: Manager.createProcessor(new MediaLocator("javasound://"));.
  • The dialog for recording will have two buttons - record and stop.
  • When the recording is stopped the audio resource is inserted into the page as an audio frame containing the new audio record.
  • The record has a time limit which is one hour by default, if this limit is exceeded then the recording stops and the media is inserted as if recording stopped.
  • To create a audio resource a temporary file will be created which is wrapped in a BinDataSource object.
  • Class CaptureParameters will be immutable.
  • A JUnit test case is created that will test registration/unregistration as well as capture for a short period. [3185], [3186]
  • The following classes will be created:
    • StateHelperEntry (The state helper encapsulates the Processor which actually does the capture)
    • CaptureParameters
    • AudioCaptureDialog
    • AudioCaptureDialogInput
    • InsertAudioRecordItem
  • The following classes will be changed:
    • MediaEngine
    • JMFEngine
    • MediaLogic
    • MasterAudioEngine
    • MasterVideoEngine
    • MainFuncMediaModule
    • SkinDefIds

Design related code merged into the trunk in [3196].


  • The implementation differs from design in some points:
    • In class StateHelperEntry two more properties where added - DataSink fileWriter (in order to close the DataSink once capture is done) and Processor (to close the StateHelper once capture is done).
    • MainAppModule was changed to register the AudioCaptureDialog.

Merged to the trunk in [3346].


(Place the testing results here.)


  • In Sophie 1, the interface was a palette; a dialogue window might make more sense.
  • If we don't actually have audio playback, maybe we can't demonstrate playback in this iteration.
  • Audio should be saved in a compressed form rather than as a raw WAV; this can be done in a later implementation.
  • In Sophie 1, after recording audio had stopped, users saw a "play" and "save" button. "Play" played back the recording (so the user could tell if it were good or not); "Save" saved it to the resources.
  • Does this work differently on different OSes?